A Question of Priority: Complain about Israel/US or fix Iran?

The recent off the cuff, knee-jerk (emphasis on jerk) petition, a reaction to Sen Harman’s recent comments on Iran, made at an AIPAC meeting (Duh!), once again raises the question of the elephant in our room.

Like many of you, I am continually disappointed when we cannot seem to grasp the relatively simple and clearly mapped out rules of protocol and the proper methodology to respond to this kind of thing, in a civilized fashion. Clearly we are Oh! So easy to bait!

These kinds of off the cuff ill conceived petitions do nothing except continue to reinforce and establish us as a largely unworthy people.

Think of it from the perspective of a non-Iranian, if you can put down your sun, lion, sword, and ghor-an for a minute.

What it looks like, is an organization or group of Iranians who are too afraid and cowardly to stand up to their own government. Even once in the last 30 years. Even after 2500 years of continued oppressive, brutal, rule. CTG included. (Funny how CTG never gave me any human rights! Just Jerusalem.)

Yet this same group of Iranians eagerly look for any and every other chance to complain about other people.

It’s sad and embarrassing. Infuriating actually, from this side of the Iranian-in-diaspora Louis-Vuitton-lined concentration camps.

I finally found Harman’s speech, and it was not as bad as was being promoted by the petition. The numerous Azari comments on the YouTube video, further indicate that the wildly held assumption that Iranian Azaris would actually prefer to secede from Iran at this time in history, are born out.

So Harman’s idea was not as far off the mark as all the non-Azaris would have us believe.

Additionally, let me remind us that this was a discussion at an AIPAC meeting. Talking trash about Iran at an AIPAC meeting is about as natural as a pig farmer deciding what’s for dinner. (Pork!)

Given Israel’s clearly stated intentions and obvious feelings for Iran, (based primarily on the IRI’s stated feelings for Israel) why didn’t anyone in the petition’s “Iranian Community” attend the AIPAV meeting? The published agenda was clear, that there would be a roundtable discussion on Iran. Maybe becasue there actually isn’t an “Iranian Community”.

Look, I do not expect Iranians these days, to easily (or actually) stand up to their oppressors. Especially at this most dangerous time. The IRI is far too smart and far too strong, and kills anyone in their way, philosophically, metaphorically, literally, and quickly. But if the day comes, and Iranians finally think of attempting to stand up for anything, the priority ought to be to object to Iran and it’s unruly state of affairs first!

Once we have cleaned up our collective mess, we can then move on and complain about the rest of the world, who today is largely complaining about our uncleaned up mess.

Once we have shown that we actually know how to run something, we can complain about how things are run.

That is our primary responsibility.

Anything else is childishness.

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