A blog I wrote a couple of weeks back is still being debated on the internet, with one American lefty describing me in truly glowing terms:
There’s a truly awful piece in Telegraph blogs by, no not Damian Thompson, but Ed West, entitled “Here’s an inconvenient truth: the Islamisation of Europe”. West tries to rationalize what is nothing more than a racist diatribe against Muslim immigration and Muslim citizenship in Europe. While he tries to couch his article in language that conveys anxiety over mass immigration and the costs to social cohesion, he betrays his barely concealed Islamophobia by singling out Islam and Muslims as the scourge of Europe.
Reading West, one would think the BNP and associated far right racist parties in Europe were merely filling the void left by mainstream parties unwilling to bring the debate on the effects of Muslim mass immigration to the centre stage. Perhaps because to do so would reveal one’s patent anti… >>>