The movie plot is similar to his old comedies like liar liar where the main character has to improve himself by changing his attitude. So in this movie he instead of rejecting all the opportunities he starts to embrace them by saying yes. One of the opportunities is a spam he is constantly getting from (or something similar). When he accepts it then is set up on a date with a strange looking woman in unusual scarf even for Hizbollahis with a slightly arabic accent.
Now I know that in US you could probably find scarfed iranian women unlike in Europe (except some crazy Mojahedin followers), but still I would have thought that in USA (and especially in California) the vast majority of Iranian women are liberated and so how does it come that the screen writer would describe the Iranian women as such? Hollywood is from being very Anglo-Saxon and Jewish. So any other culture is like unknown and at its best faulty described.
In a movie like the insider I remember the Al Pacino character would talk english to a translater who talked Persian to a 3d guy who answered arabic back and translater would then answer back with English in arabic accent.
In Valkyrie all German characters in the movie would speak English with American accent except Adolf Hitler who would speak with a thick German accent.
There are some movies though where Hollywood has tried its best to do justice to the culture it tries to describe like A house of sand and fog. But these movies are very rare and are not what you call blockbusters.