Not even the unchecked power of a tyrannical theocracy – which jails Iranian citizens for treason for promoting freedom and civil rights, and ceaselessly disseminates agitprop depicting the U.S. as the Great Satan – has been able to extirpate the desire for democracy rooted deep within the hearts of Iran’s next generation. And to anyone who insists that Iran is already a democracy, I say to you: “Stop it”. Do not call a state a democracy just because it holds elections, for a democracy requires freedom of religion, freedom of speech, human rights, and equality under law – and not in the least does Iran exhibit a shred of these attributes. Not to mention that the unelected supreme cleric of the country wields ultimate authority – not the President. Combine these sentiments with 12% unemployment, a 25% inflation rate, and the fact that, according to Terror Free Tomorrow, 86% of Iranian citizens desire a freely elected head of state, and one would think the time is ripe to take some sort of action to help tilt Persia towards Western-style governance. However, if one listened to foreign affairs and national security experts, one would learn how not to spread democracy in Iran, yet would be left wanting for actual solutions. Most proposals consist of a sit and wait approach; however, holding our breath until Iran implodes does not sound like a realistic strategy. From a pure logistics standpoint, any thoughts of the Iranian version of the Am… >>>