Can You Help Me Understand the Nuclear Issue?

Well I’ve reached a point in my life where I’d rather look stupid than be stupid, after a half century “schlepping” this body around with me. I initially kept my nose out of the nuclear discussions because my understanding was that Iran was not in violation of United Nations regulations for development of nuclear power for peaceful means,. It was also my understanding that the development of nuclear weapons technology was the same as that for energy only it required much MORE of same. And that it really couldn’t be PROVEN what the end goal was.  For me international law is the only hope for the future, so if Iran was in compliance, shut up, case closed.  The last part I don’t really want to debate, it’s ideological and also a matter of personal conviction, but if I’m wrong about any of the rest of it, please explain why.

Anyhow, I also stayed out of the nuclear issue because I have a profound repugnance toward nuclear energy. When I think nuclear I think Chernobyl and I think all the near-accidents there have actually been with the bombs themselves which friends from the nuclear freeze movement told me about. And as you probably know I like to take the evolutionary long view, and I think solar si nuclear no. Even if it’s a question of centuries. And I don’t really want to DEBATE that unless you absolutely KNOW something about WHY the infinite source of all life, now relatively close to us, could NEVER be harnessed for intensive energy purposes. EVER. I mean, not in a thousand years…

My question then is that I think that at some point the UN changed its mind and decided that Iran was somehow not in compliance. And I got a sense that this was possibly politically motivated b.s. strong-armed by the US.  It might’ve happened while I was in the hospital last year or it might’ve just happened while I was ignoring the whole thing. In either case, am I wrong about any of this and if so how? And if I’m right, how did it happen?

Obviously the damn issue hasn’t gone away, it’s gotten worse and seems to be THE focal point and both major bargaining chip and obstacle for the entire geopolitical “scene”. So I guess it’s time for me to stop being so stoopid but my normally nimble googlefingers didn’t know where to start, it’s so huge.

 So I figured why not bother you? So…where are we now on the compliance issue and how did we get there and why? 

Could you please help me out? Thanks a million.


PS Please don’t fight;;;at least not too much.  ;oP


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