I think it is time to make a better Iranian.com, the one that we have today although is very fine indeed and has served us well in the pas but is also full of shortcomings. The following is what I think should be fixed or added to make this site even better.
Please come with comments and add your own suggestions
1. Differ between the adult and non-adult contents: I am for freedom of speech and urge everyone to express themselves as they would like to, I also think that Iranian.com has a lot to offer to people from all ages and beliefs. That is why I think it is not good to mix the adult with non-adult contents. This problem could be fixed easily by showing adult content just by pushing a button like in youtube or by logging in.
2. Poll tool: It should be possible for the admin to run polls, this gives both the admin and Iranian.com users an understanding of the Iranian.com users.
3. Rating articles and comments: helps the users see how many people agree or disagrees with an article or a comment.
4. Easier login: It must be possible to login without going to your account page. If I want to comment an article and I click the link on top of the page I am sent to My Account and that is not so user friendly.
5. Ajax: I do not want to get too geeky and this suggestion is a bit of luxury and could be done if JJ is really bored and has nothing to do. AJAX allows the site to behave slicker and faster, instead of loading the whole page when pushing a button or a link the desired area of the page updates itself. This takes some load of the JJs server as well since it does not need to send as much data to its clients.
Please comment and come with your own improvements.