Towards a Peaceful Solution in the Middle East

Over the course of these past weeks, I have been involved in many conversations with people on these threads about how we could make some progress toward arriving at a peaceful solution in the Middle East, at least within this community. I thank all these people fo allr the patient, detailed and considered dialog.

A general suggestion that I would like to put forward right now to the community is that those of you who are not Jewish and who are single subscribe to Jdate, which is currently advertising on this site, to meet Jewish singles.

We have all heard that politics makes strange bedfellows. But bedfellows can also make strange and new and exciting politics as the two participants communicate by navigating through all the various positions. Hey look it’s worth a shot:

As for myself I will not be subscribing to Jdate as I have been through most of the positons with Jewish men over the course of the years, as well as Muslims more recently, so no I won’t be signing up, alas.

But if you are Zoroastrian, Bahai, Armenian Christian,Yarsani etc, you can contact me privately.

LOL. Really. Just kidding. Seriously…

Peace Now


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