My Exotic Pet BIRDs

About them, you have heard
They are the most preferred
Always first, never second or third
They are my exotic pet BIRDs

I wake up with song of CANARY
It’s so sweet, absolutely, very
Makes me feel like a fairy
Wish it was a match to marry

And then there is peaceful DOVE
Calmness goes hand in glove
It serenely flies up above
It is the bird everyone love

The most troublesome is the HEN
It mostly stays in its den
Wildly runs followed by chicks ten
About it, I have no words to pen

The best is Laddu, my PARROT
Non-stop it talks, without merit
When in mood, it does a foxtrot
Then I reward it with a carrot

Finally, comes my lovely PIGEON
Everyone’s hearts it has won
Feeding it is so much fun
It’s my pleasure under the sun

So, you have met all my PETs
I bet, none like them as yet

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