Last time Cyrus was honored

Somehow I found my way listening to Hayedeh songs on youtube this weekend.  It’s Saturday. I’ve earned this pleasure to scour the web and spend some time with my distant beloved- Iran.

As I played…, a powerful image gripped me at around the 1:37 minute mark. It was Cyrus’ tomb surrounded by uniformed soldiers of the Persian king, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, in full formal formation, with dignataries present and Iranian flags flying high all around.  It’s a powerful image to behold.

I grabbed a frame of it for you to look at and ponder.  It had been a long time, perhaps since the day Cyrus was buried that summer’s day 2,502 years earlier, since there had been such a ceremony at Pasardage.  Don’t you wonder if the old king appreciated it? I do- now. 

Thank you my king- Shahanshah Aryamehr. Cyrus may not rest easy these days, as you wished for him, and we might not have been all that awake, as you assured him on that day. But, you, for one, did your duty. 

So, today, my king, I pledge this to you: rest easy for we have awakened.  You will return to Iran. 

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