If all the ‘elite’ are so worried about the global economy why don’t some of those trillionaires bailout these toxic companies?
Because they want to get their hands on more of your money. Rich men didn’t get rich by spending their own money! They’re not stupid. That’s why they created the federal reserve system.
The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who were instrumental in setting up the corrupt federal reserve system in the first place are worth between them 100s of trillions of dollars.
Which, of course, is sick in itself. They make sure they stay off the rich lists too. That’s how filthy rich they are.
Or for that matter all the Bush cronies, who profiteered form the wars of their own creation; the Halliburton and co brigade (whose head quarters, by the way, have been moved to Dubai!). They’re no fools. They don’t want to stay on a sinking ship, even if they were responsible for sinking it!!
Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice shame on us.
Enjoy this amusing yet sad rendition of the Bush years:
The elite have us through the fear they create. Let’s see the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and the Halliburton mob come to rescue their rich pals!