Iran says to pursue nuclear talks with the EU

Iran said on Monday it has agreed with the EU to continue talks aimed at resolving the nuclear crisis but again insisted it will press on with contested work despite the threat of more sanctions.

Top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili spoke by phone with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, the pointman for six major powers which have offered Iran an incentives package in return for a freeze in uranium enrichment activities.

Their talks came just days after European Union nations last week introduced fresh sanctions against Iran over its atomic drive, which Western nations fear could be a cover for a secret nuclear weapons programme.

“The two sides agreed to continue negotiations in a constructive atmosphere,” Iranian state television reported. “Solana and Jalili voiced satisfaction at the constructive trend of negotiations in Geneva and the contacts afterwards.”

In Brussels, Solana’s office confirmed the conversation but gave no details.

“We still hope to solve the problem with Tehran through the diplomatic route, but if that’s not possible, it will be necessary to continue on the path of (UN) Security Council sanctions,” a European source in Brussels said.

“The objective is to keep the door to dialogue open with Tehran with these contacts.”

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad however reiterated that Tehran will press on with its nuclear programme, despite the risk of fresh U… >>>

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