The Recollectins

At the age of 67, with uncontrollable diabetes, one heart attack, one open heart surgery, and a set of failed kidneys, what is left? It could have been worse, I could have been a Republican, a fan of George W. or admirer of John MC Cain. Thank God, I have kept my sanity and have gotten interested in Mr. Obama. The last person who attracted my attention was John Kennedy. See what happened to him? I hope Mr. Obama will have a better destiny. I am glad to see some of the things that God loving Americans gifted to their friends in the world is catching up with them. The TV men have turned into weird personalities, they want everybody’s heads. What happened to the people like Walter Cronkite or others. Now-a-days it is O, Riley or other similar nut.

I was born and raised in Iran, and had seen the handy works of the foreign powers at work with my own eyes, Now the Americans are bitching about the Chinese stealing their lap top computers. What about over throwing the government of Iran, Chile, Vietnam and others ?

They don’t count. well, I can not say too many unkind things about America. I have been treated better in here than in my own country. I got a chance to go to school and get a decent job in here.

I even have an ex-American wife, an ex-American son and three ex-grand daughters.

The Iranian web site was asking if things changed in Iran and another western type dictatorship was set up there, would I go back ?

The answer is no, Everybody I knew is dead or about to die. I prefer to be among the people I have spent most of my life with, Where I have been laid off many times and feel like a true native. The big item now-a-days is the cost of the gas, well uncle King Abdollah did it all for his nephew George W. So don’t bitch about it, you voted for him, and now enjoy the results. Iran was very good. We never voted, and the candidates always got 99.9 % of the non existing votes. It is nice to see that the same system is taking hold in America, it is approaching the good days in Iran. Soon, we will feel really at home again. Long live America, and may there be more immigrants from Tabriz, Ghazwin, yazd, and Rasht in America.

They will give a hand to improve this place. There have been too many crooked Texan cowboys in the government, if we the foreign born don’t watch, there will be not much left for all those future immigrants waiting in the long lines.

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