‘In search of truth’

These are the words that appear at the top of a web page by an individual who has been writing under the assumed name of “Hassan Daioleslam” for the past 2 years. He is often introduced by his hosts, like in a recent interview by the editor of the Front Page Magazine, as an “independent Iran analyst who is well published in Persian and English with three decades of history in political activism and scholarly analysis”.

Now, it should come as no surprise that any reputable and unbiased media organization looking for expert Iran analysis would pay more than just lip service to vetting its sources and actually check the credentials of their pundits. But a cursory search for the truth behind Mr. Daioleslam’s background in form of a simple Google search seems to challenge any notion of such scholarly prowess or dexterity. Aside from total absence of any scholastic publication in Persian or English, one is hard pressed to find anything in print under such name before 2007 which appears to fully contradict the “three decades of history in political activism and scholarly analysis” claim.

Having substituted immoral idealism for what was once valued as ethical journalism, it is unfortunate that some like Mr. Horowitz and his editorial team at Front Page openly declare not having “the resources to determine [facts]” behind claims cited by people they peddle as experts.

Not long into this biased and one-sided question and answer exchange, it quickly becomes clear that Mr. Daioleslam lumps anyone and everyone not openly calling for a hostile and aggressive military confrontation with Iran as part of what he calls the “Iranian regime’s lobby” which he admits does not officially exist but nevertheless does because they are referred to as such by the “Iranian media” much in the same way Mr. Daioleslam is introduced as a “human rights activist and political scholar” by some in the right wing U.S. media.

Branding those supporting the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) or the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) as “naïve Iranians”, he wastes no time using his soap box to loosely hurl unfounded, baseless, and unjustified accusations at hard working ordinary people who despite their busy family and professional lives would devote some time to preservation of peace between their Iranian motherland where many maintain contact with family and friends and their adopted western countries.

As more and more people awaken to the high cost of fear mongering and jingoistic idealism by their leaders and mostly acquiescent western media, Mr. Daioleslam characterizes his long and disparaging slander as a fight against “demagogy” which Webster’s Dictionary defines as “the art and practice of gaining popularity by arousing fears, passions, and prejudices of others”.

Isn’t that what he and a handful of his discredited and morally bankrupt media enablers are exactly doing?

“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

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