British movie Hunger has opened at the Cannes Film Festival to positive reviews 

The Cannes film festival this year seems particularly focused on social and political issues this year. With an ecclectic jury Presided by Sean Penn and including Marjane Satrapi and Nathalie Portman (see Red Carpet) the festival will be highlighting less known directors as well as more confirmed ones like Clint Eastwood and Steven Soderberg in this year’s competition.

The Festival will also put in the spotlight two iconic and yet controversial figures of the LeftWing revolutionary mouvements of the 60’s and 80’s respectively Argetnine directed by Steven Soderbergh on Che Guevara portrayed by Benicio Del Toro and the Movie Hunger directed by Turner Prize-winning artist Steve McQueen that takes an uncompromising look at the last six weeks in the life of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands.

Hunger has just been screened at cannes See BBC Article


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