CNN: Smells too good to be true

There is a saying in Persian: “Moshk Aun Ast Keh Khod BeBooyad, Na Aunkeh Attar Begooyad”

roughly translated: If a performue smells good, it does not need the perfume seller to advertise its good smell!”

May be it is part of our humble culture 🙂 but as kids we were always told not to engage in admiring ourselves, not at least publically. “Az khodet Tareef Nakon”. This basic element of modesty, appears to escape the mind of CNN promoters. Why should a news organization even advertise itself, let alone give itself the title “the most trusted”?

If this is not a blatent attempt at indocttrination, what is? Natural questions would arise:

Which news sources are less trust worthy? How was this earned? Is there a ranking system? Who were the judges? Is this a permanent title?

Even if at a point in time a poll was taken, and CNN was found to be the most “trusted”, is this trust like daimonds –forever? Doesn’t CNN have to prove itself on a regular basis or once it was found to be “the most trusted”, nothing can shake that trust?

I often find myslelf going to 4 or 5 different sources just to get a balanced view, particularly when there is controversy, perhaps CNN goals is to relieve me and everyone like me not to waste time?

Thank you CNN, I feel so much better whenever I have doubt about issue you don’t report or spin. If you don’t report it (Is ex-president Jimmy Carter visiting Middle East?) it must not be all that important, and what you do report, I will certainly trust as the truth.

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