What if the Allies do attack ??!!!

Do we have our heads in the sand ? do we have a cultural problem of not wanting to think of and plan for the worst ? Is it because we never want to actualy DO anything, and are always looking for reasons/excuses to sit out and have a good time? I bet right here on this blog I will get many responses from people who will come up with millions of reasons why our country will not be attacked !! rather than taking the time to consider potential reactions. This phenomen is in fact one of the main reasons countries progress – and why others become weak and extinct. Advanced cultures always consider potential events and try to develop proper plans prior to the events.

As an Iranian I certainly do appreciate the “Good Thoughts” concept and try not to be paranoid over uncertainties – but this total ignoring of a potential attack on the Islamic Republic totaly baffels me – especialy when I think this attack that the whole world is talking about may be a blessing to Iranians, saving us from a backward and ruthless theocracy which is dragging a beautiful nation, it’s people and culture towards total decay and instinction.

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