Priest Defends Words of Wright and Farrakhan

Michael Pfleger, a Roman Catholic priest in Chicago, has attracted more publicity than the Archdiocese may have wanted now that a video has surfaced in which the he is heard adamantly defending Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright and the controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Pfleger, a respected social advocate in Chicago, had invited Wright to deliver a blessing at Saint Sabina during a visit by Maya Angelou. From the pulpit Pfleger went into an animated sermon blasting those who had criticized Wright. Pfleger said:

“Dr. Wright is one of the great biblical scholars of our country and the best of preachers in the prophetic tradition. Dr. Wright has been shamefully demonized by 30 second sound bites that have tried to re-define him into someone other than who he is.”

Article and short video here.

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