Saint Jackassin!

With all due respect to all those who celebrate this St.Valentin day, I have this strong need to say what I think about this event.

It’s pathetic as it could be and the fact that some celebrate it even in Iran, makes it even more pathetic. If you just spend a minute thinking about its commercial aspect, its origins and everything else about it, every single aspect of it sucks! I’ve never, ever celebrated it and there’ve been times that the most complicated part has been convincing my partner not to do it either. There must be a campaign against this event, which forces people to imitate others, that makes the single people feel like outcast and creates huge profits to the retail section.

This event should only be acceptable by the teenagers, however has become the most important day in the romantic life of many human beings (even in Tehran)

If you love someone, there’re many ways to express your appreciation and love, in a more discreet and unexpected way.

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