Iran defamed by wikimapia

Today I learned some disturbing news.  Some bigots on wikimapia have put up slanderous comments about Iranian Naval targets on wikimapia.  Over a year I have been on wikimapia removing false, racist, and slanderous info there, and yet I am harassed for my doing this.  Only a day ago these freaks have blocked me from removing these false statements there, proving that wikimapia is run by racist bigots.  Check the link below to view Bandar Abbas

There they have put up harassing comments.  Notice the false info they put up there regarding the Ghadir SSK, calling it a toy and ignoring the fact it uses stealth technology, unlike american and most nato subs, and is the only SSK that can fire Missiles and torpedos simultaneously.  The same goes for Iran’s new FFG the Jamaran, there they falsely state it has never put to sea and is useless, despite videos of it in action being shown all over the web.  Also they take issue with my identifying what appears to be the raised wreck of the Sahand, and contacts of mine in Bandar Abbas that it is the Sahand.  Check the other posts there and you’ll see they have repeatedly refered to Bandar Abbas as the main raghead navy base, and put up other nonsense about Iran’s Navy there on the other tags i created there to inform people that Iran’s navy is capable of defending Iran.

In addition the creator of wikimapia has made defammatory statements about me on the wikimapia forum for my protecting Iranian targets from slander there.  This idiot , an alexander koriakine, sent the massage below

Joined: 06/05/06
Places: 127
Userlevel: 2 2 days ago 0  Just to mention – limits wont affect users when they are viewing information, so “screamings” will be minimized.

Total users in database 153000.
Level +2 users – 310.


Level 2 users are the ones who do the editing and moderation work.  Therefore 310 ignorant bigoted racists allow this slander to be put up and when someone removes this false info it is called vandalism.  In addition this koriakine has a criminal record in his native Russia.  Folks, we must not allow this to continue and to take action against this.  For reference, my ID is PKZendran, that ID is banned there and as a result I can’t protect the info there and defend myself against slander there.  Check the link, check what I have done, and when you see how this cabal of 310 is allowing Iran to be slandered take action.

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