Life, Death and Atomic Hypocrisy

Hoder is basically right. As he showed in his article, there is a nuclear renaissance happening and Iran is being forcefully excluded from it. America pretends like this is about nuclear proliferation. Because Iran may misuse nuclear secrets, give them to terrorists groups or whatever, the argument goes, it should not be allowed to have nuclear “know-how”. Iran couldn’t possibly need the energy because it has oil.

This line of reasoning should be rejected on its face for a simple reason: US itself does n’t believe it.

If Bush is saying Iran doesn’t need nuclear energy, why try to stop the oil pipeline to India and Pakistan? Why block oil pipelines from going through Iran to transport Caspian energy resources cheaper and faster? The answer is that it’s not about nuclear knowledge at all, it’s simply about control. US just wants Iran to continue to burn oil, and deprive it from the enormous revenues that oil could bring to Iran, if Iran itself were to not use so much of it.

In addition, Iran’s dependency on foreign refining, gives a strategic leverage to America in threatening Iran.

But a second, more important proof that America doesn’t believe it’s own argument was made public only a two weeks ago. An ex-FBI translator turned whistle blower by the name of Sibil Edmonds went public with evidence that suggest US has itself been involved with selling secret nuclear information to Turkey, Israel and Pakistan for years. Even at the same time that it was saying it does not want this information to fall into the “wrong” hands, it was selling them to the highest bidder. It was exposed in the Times of London, but as usual, no one covered it in the US.

This now threatens to be such a big scandel that the Bush administration has – completely out of the blue – moved to Why would it do that when there’s evidence showing that Bush was supplying Turkey secretly already?

It’s to prevent an investigation by doing legally, what it was doing for years, illegally. Also, in the process, if it can win some more favors from Turkey (on Iran and Iraq policy) that would be even better!



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