War with Iraq and now Iran, who wants it?

“….whereas by later in 2002 and 2003 the evidence is overwhelming that Israel and particularly the Israel lobby were pushing hard for the war (against Iraq)…”


“… The U.S. political right does not, of course, want to acknowledge that the relationship with Israel has grown so close that the U.S. would actually go to war at the behest of or for the benefit of Israel. Nor does it want to own up to any of the other actual motivations for the war …”

“…The left, on the other hand, very much wants to believe that oil, and perhaps secondarily the imperial drive, constituted the only motivations, and that Israel played no role at all….”

Senator Liberman has been one of the main advocates of a US war with Iran. While this may be to the best interest of Israel, as a U.S senator shouldn’t he be more concerned with the best interest of U.S first?

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