Are Iran’s Revotiluonary Guards Preparing for a Coup?

An informed source within the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps reports that the ever-increasing tensions and visible animosities between the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei  and President Ahmadinejad has prompted the Ayatollah to issue an operational plan to deal with the clashes that can be expected in the coming weeks between the two differing factions.  

According to this operational plan, which would normally have to be approved by the Supreme National Security Council and, in turn, be confirmed by the Supreme Leader, it is being issued, instead, as a directive from the Supreme Leaders himself. It instructs the Revolutionary Guards’ ground forces to coordinate efforts with the Basij militia to take control of the entire country, all governmental offices, ministries and presidential administration — and most importantly — purge people within all the ranks. 

The source, within the headquarters of Guards command known as “Building Plan 55,” revealed to Iran Briefing (an opposition site), that: “The inception phases of the plan, which begins from within the mosques and Basij militia groups, will be structured and groups will … >>>

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