Deny BBC the excuse

In an article the British Ambassador to IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, citing the case of imprisoned Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh had said: “lawyers, journalists and NGO workers were nowhere under greater threat than in Iran.

That article drew an immediate violent reaction from the Islamist Rapists. Aside the usual loutish statements by the officials, a contingent of the Islamist Rapist Brownshirts, aka Basijis, were dispatched to the British embassy in Tehran to do what they do best, act out their innate Islamist savagery.

However, that has not been the end of it. Over the New Year ceremony, the British ambassador, Simon Gass was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (KCMG) by Queen Elizabeth.

One of the Islamist Rapists fronting as the spokesman of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, condemned the Knighthood and said: “The British ambassador did nothing to improve relations. The media department of the British Embassy in Iran has indeed become an arm of the BBC,”

 My question is, to deny the British and their BBC the excuse, why the Islamist Rapists don’t swing open the doors to their enumerable known and secret prison archipelagoes and set Iranian political prisoners free?

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