US Navy

The US Navy has decided to rename the Persian Gulf. Instead of begging them to right this wrong we should go on the offensive. Remind the world that this is the same Navy which murdered 290 civilians mostly Iranians but also Arab; Indian; Yugoslav and Italians. They never apologized. In fact Ray-Gun gave the crew and their Captain Will Rogers III a medal. So next time USA is shedding crocodile tears over some incident just remind them of their idea of Justice.

This act of cold blooded murder was done by a pathetic man who violated his own Naval rules. The actions were condemned by another American Captain David Carlson a decent man who wrote a letter explaining the truth. Now the Iran hater Hillary and the incompetent Obama want to rename Persian Gulf.

I like to bring this back in the spot light so that people know what kind of organization we are dealing with.


In short: US Navy rewards loose canons and hyper aggressive half-men who need to prove their manhood by murdering innocents. We cannot expect much from them. 

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