“مشروب فروشی کعبه”!!

 We will soon have another problem?  And we should be helped by this huge matter, such a name in New York, as we do not have any other more important problems, like hungry people in the Islamic country, or people who have no work and no possibilities to study, people who are addicted.   Kaabeh means cubic and only the … people are making free advertisement for the new business. “مشروب فروشی کعبه”!! Shocking news : اخبار تکان دهنده: “Kaaba” Bar will be opened soon in New York
مشروب فروشی کعبه به زودی در نیویورک افتتاح می شود !!!!لطفا فریاد اعتراض خود را در برابر این اقدام بلند کنید ????Shocking!! In the business area of MID TOWN MANHATTAN in New York a new BAR is opened in the name of APPLE MECCA which is similar to KAABA MAKKAH. This bar will be used for supply of Wine and Drinks. The Muslims of New York are pressurizing Government of USA not open this BAR. در منطقه تجاری مانهاتان در نیویورک، یک مشروب فروشی جدید به نام “سیب مکه” افتتاح شده که به خانه کعبه بسیار شبیه است. مسلمانان نیویورک بر دولت ایالات متحده آمریکا برای جلوگیری از افتتاح این مشروب فروشی فشار وارد می کنند

All of our problems are solved and only this problem is existed and we all should fight for this name?  In a country which is even not a Moslem country and they make joke even about their own prophets. As is the Moslem do not drink alcohols at all. They prepare it at home also, if they cannot buy it. And many people are killed by using false and bad alcohols.  We have no other problem and the only problem we have is this?

Please do forward this mail to as many peoples as you can. We need to wake up and to stand for the dignity of ISLAM PLS SEND TO ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, WHEREVER THEY STAY AND SAY “STOP THIS”

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