A Note of Gratitude to JJ

A Note of Gratitude to JJ

An unfortunate element of our political culture is sycophancy towards the leader one follows or the person one likes. And concomitantly making vicious attacks on those with whom one merely disagrees. In a healthy and democratic political culture, we need to be honest and fair. When someone with whose views or policies we disagree but this person is decent human being, then we should be honest and acknowledge the fact. And when someone we support does something wrong, we should be honest and criticize that person without making him or her into an enemy.

Freedom is not supporting those with whom we agree. Freedom is defending the rights of those with whom we disagree. Pluralism and tolerance are essential for democracy.

Jahanshah Javid publishes articles and blogs with whose contents he disagrees every single day. JJ has created this wonderful site that allows commentary by posters. And JJ leave these comments to remain although he disagrees with them.

Having a very looooooong history of dictatorship in our land, we lack the political culture conducive for open, serious, and civil debate. In our country, thugs waving chomagh and knife attack those who hold a politics different than the chomaghdars’ leader. The government tortures any poor soul who criticizes the “God” ruling us. We lack the history of open debate and then electing the one we like and then replacing him or her in a few years. Our history has been that of one absolute rulers and his thugs oppressing the people. Some to get money become sycophants and throw praise after worthless praise for the moron ruling the nation. So many times, expressing gratitude becomes a fake and shameless thing. In a healthy culture, one honestly praises what is good and criticizes what is bad, and condemns what one finds harmful.

This website is a place where posters from a variety of views could post their analyses, opinions, and comments. We owe this to JJ. This is a rare place. We need to defend this place and nourish it. I know of no other site that allows such a diversity of views. It is very hard to manage a site like this. We need to do all we can to help preserve this wonderful place.

This wonderful site is the precious gift of speech that JJ has provided. I want to express my utmost gratitude to JJ for this wonderful site. I disagree with much of JJ’s policies. But what is germane is JJ’s actual practice. And JJ has been a truly democratic person who publishes works that clearly oppose his own policies. This is very rare in our society.

JJ jaan, thank YOU. You may not hear it from us often. This does not mean that we are not grateful. Perhaps, due to our culture, we do not want to appear to be sycophant, so we do not say what we think. I think I speak on behalf of many who realize how difficult your job is, truly appreciate your hard long hours of work for this site.

Sepaas gozaram JJ jaan,


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