Russia-China Won’t Allow Iran To Be Destroyed – Reports

A recent article penned by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times cites that Russia is uneasy over the destabilization of Tehran and that secret talks are taking place between Russia, China and Iran. Upon the conclusion of meetings held in Sochi between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov provided the press with some geopolitical nuggets.

From Pepe Escobar…

‘Interesting’ talk on Iran

Let’s briefly review what became public of the discussions on multiple (hot and cold) conflict fronts – Venezuela, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran.


Iran – Ushakov said the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, was “briefly discussed.”He would only say the discussion was “interesting.”

Talk about a larger than life euphemism. Moscow is extremely uneasy over the possibility of a destabilization of Iran that allows a free transit of jihadis from the Caspian to the Caucasus.

Which brings us to the heart of the matter. Diplomatic sources – from Russia and Iran – confirm, off the record, there have been secret talks among the three pillars of Eurasian integration – Russia, China and Iran – about Chinese and Russian guarantees in the event the Trump administration’s drive to strangle Tehran to death takes an ominous turn.

This is being discussed at the highest levels in Moscow and Beijing. The bottom line: Russia-China won’t allow Iran to be destroyed.

But it’s quite understandable that Ushakov wouldn’t let that information slip through a mere press briefing.

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