
The two Gloha albums featured below are truly beautiful and represent Iranian music to perfection. listening to the beautiful poems, the magnificent sound of Yahaghi's violin with the amazing voice of Golpa and Elaheh, overflow the heart with joy.

The second album features legendary Ali Tajvidi on violin collaborating with one of Iran's best Zarb players Amir Nasser Eftetah, with Master Ebdai creating magical sound on Setar and Master Farhang Sharif's intoxicating Tar sound along with Saremi's Santur and the voice of Mahmoudi Khansari (my beloved and much loved by many)  is a feast for the soul of Iranian music lovers.

Golhaye 264: Az Khoone Javanane Vatan Laleh Damideh
Vocals: Elahe & Golpayegani
Violin: Parviz Yahaghi
Composer: Aref
Lyrics: Aref
Producer: Rouhollah Khaleghi

Golhaye 555:
Vocals: Elahe, Golpayegani and Khansari
Musicians: Ahmad Ebadi, Tajvidi, Farhang Sharif and Saremi, Mohammade Mousavi, Amir Nasser Eftetah
Composer: Mirnaghibi
Lyrics: Emad Khorasani and Molavi, Azar Bidgedli, Abu Saeed Abal-Kheir

* Track 1
* Track 2
* Track 3
* Track 4
* Track 5
* Track 6
* Track 7

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“Golhaaye Rangaarang, 10” is another beautiful album capturing the performances of some of Iran's legendary masters with the voice of two favorite singers. A true treat! The six tracks below include:

Golhaaye Rangaarang 420
Vocals: Mahasti, Iraj
Musician: Yahagh
Golhaaye Rangaarang 425
Vocals: Ghavami, Pouran
Musician: Shahnaz, Bahari, Eftetah
Composer: Maroufi.

* Track 1
* Track 2
* Track 3
* Track 4
* Track 5
* Track 6

Golhaaye Rangaarang 503
Dastgahe Shour
Vocals: Ghavami, Parvin and Mahmoudi Khansari
Musicians: Yahaghi, Jalile Shahnaz, Homayoun Khorram,
Farhang Sharif, Jahangir Malek
Composer: Javad Maroufi
Lyrics: Pejman Bakhtiary, Ahli Shirazi and Helali Joghataie

* Track 1
* Track 2
* Track 3
* Track 4
* Track 5
* Track 6

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