What is with these people?

I was looking at the pictures of the reformist MP's sit-in in Majles, and I got to thinking, why the hell are they sitting on the floor? Ok, ok, I know it's a sit-in, but that term shouldn't be taken literally. I mean you can sit-in in a chair, or on a sofa, or on a stool. You don't have to be spread out, cross-legged on the freaking floor, albeit on a nice looking Tabriz rug.

Furthermore, with no shoes allowed in the room, could you imagine the smell of feet that's hanging over that ambience? I wouldn't want to go near this bunch, political ideologies notwithstanding.

What is with these people? And what is with us following the news about these people?

Looking at the open letter these MP's allegedly sent to the Supreme Leader, I couldn't help getting bogged down in all that Arabic they are using in their writing. What does all that mean? How about a little translation for us sophomores?

I am reminded of Yaqub Lays Saffar, who at one point refused to accept correspondences in Arabic and went something like this: “If I don't get it, why you do me wrong and write to me in this bloody language?”

Who are these reformists anyway? Aren't these the same folks whose every attempt at reform was vetoed and none of their plans were ever implemented? Why should we care about a group of powerless wimps?

Voting or not voting isn't going to matter at all. The status quo will be maintained at any cost regardless of who is sitting in the parliament.

The most interesting MP by far is none other than the Speaker of the House, Mr Karrubi. This dude, otherwise known as 'Haji Teflon' belongs to both camps. At the dawn of the revolution, he was a conservative. Now he is a reformist and he is one of a few whose nomination was allowed to stand. Chances are he will probably get the speakership in the new Majles too.

In the 1940's, during the heyday of the Tudeh Party in Iran, Jalal Al-Ahmad was an avid party member and Gholam-Hossein Saedi simultaneously courted both the Tudeh Party and the National Front. Al-Ahmad, who was well known for his acid remarks, said of Saedi:
“Like the other Tabrizis, this Gholam-Hossein Khan is doing business out of a corner store (maghazeh donabsh).”

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