Perhaps the next shore

They called me a rose
a flower, by the wrong name
I am the narcissus:
…………….a reflection in your watery eyes
……………………..a voice blown into the wind
………………………………the dream that never was
In my hallucinations I dreamed of hope
I heard the shatter of my heart…time and again
I danced on the desert sand and sang to strangers
a narcissus,
………………I looked for my reflection in the watery eyes of my lovers
But, sail away I must,
for there are more lands for Kristofer Kolumbus to discover, 
……………………………………………………………….more hearts to break
How well I know
” The sky is the same color, no matter where you go”
I spoke many tongues
and like a mocking bird, had many voices
But my songs were all the same:
………………………………….a tribute to loneliness
Perhaps the next shore
would hold  happiness for Kristofer
another land, another people
I taste their wine and soak in their sun
Am I sailing in circles?
Isn't this the same bitter wine, the same lover?
I see the narcissus in his watery eyes,
…………………………………………….smaller than before,
……………………………………………………………….like a forget-me-not
I now sail away to a place that never was, and never will be
I hold my dreams in my closed fist
The night is no longer dark, nor lonely
I look into the waves in search of  my  reflection
……………………………………………………………….that's all I want to see
the storm breaks me up
a narcissus…
………………….in tiny white pieces
…………………………………………………sailing away…..


Zohreh Khazai Ghahremani is a retired dentist and a freelance writer. She lives in San Diego, California. Top

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