A new university for study of the Quran and Hadith was inaugurated in the holy city of Qom this week. This center for advanced theological education and research was built on a budget of $44,000,000,000 rials (when rial dollar exchange was around 11000:1)
At the time when universities in the Western world are spending time and resources on stupid and useless research subjects such as genomics, molecular level computing, nano technology and discovery of new sub-sub atomic particles the Islamic Republic of Iran has successfully brought to fruition this critically important center where scholars can study a book from 1400 years ago and hadithes which have survived the test of time and having been kept alive verbally “from ear to ear”.
Rumors are MIT, Harvard, Princeton in the U.S. and several other important universities throughout he world have already applied for franchise licenses from Qom.
We hope that soon another university is planned for the study of books from Imam Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution. This university is to be called Qom Institute for Advanced Studies of Holy Books by Imam Khomeini
Please say 3 salavaats now and go and contribute to the Imam Khomeini University. Your dollars and Euros will go a looooong way these days.