Yes, we’re in the U.S. presidential election season; and many inside the game know that events outside the U.S. can very often determine the outcome of the race. Afterall, it was Reagan who secretly schemed with the Mullahs in Iran to ‘keep’ the embassy hostages locked up, so he could humiliate Jimmy Carter and win. If you recall, Jimmy Carter was actually ahead in the Summer and Reagan kept grinding away at his lead. It was the Israeli’s that played a pivotal role in the back room negotiations and ultimately delivered on the ‘deal’ – handing arms to Iran in exchange for the ‘release’ in January. The Israelis and Iranians have never forgotten the impact of their play on the U.S. electoral outcome.
And it is NOT surprising therefore that both Israeli and Iranian agents are out there stirring furvor among fanatics to “attack” U.S. embassies across the world. If they can grab just ONE embassy before November, the game for Obama might be over.
For Netenyahu, its very simple. He hates Obama, and he has a personal kinship with Romney that goes back to the days when they were both working side-by-side as Management consultants in Boston. He wants Obama out. Many Democrats on the inside also know that this will NOT be the first time Netenyahu has stuck his finger in it. It was after all an Orthodox-Jewish girl (Monica Lewinsky), who had a cigar placed up her skirt by Bill Clinton, and whose story was broken by a Jewish press agent in Washington DC; whose father was a major contributor to both the Republican party and Netenyahu’s party in Israel. Netenyahu is scum – and everyone knows it.
For the Iranian Mullahs – its very similar. Facing years of increasing isolation and a potential war; their tactics have remained largely the same. Financing insurgency in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and ALL over the Middle East; they have discovered that if they keep it up two things will happen: (1) The West (and specifically the U.S.) will be distracted trying to deal with it (thus leaving them alone and delaying the prospects of an attack on Iran); and (2) That they can stir vehement anti-Americanism and that in the long run will result in eventual withdrawal of all U.S. troops from the region – futher guaranteeing their security but leaving the region ripe for Iranian hegemony. Much like the ’80s if they can topple Obama, the Mullahs can count on at least a decade or more of peace (Note that Reagan and Bush Sr. essentially left them alone).
In an Ironic twist to all this, Iranian and Israeli secret policies actually coincide. And their policies co-incide on so many levels beyond the riots. For example: Iranians benefit with war talk because it drives up oil prices; and Netenyahu benefits because he appears strong and fiesty at a time when his party’s future is suspect, and he has very low approval ratings.
The reality is that anti-Islamic shit on the internet has always been there. The truth is, from all the public reports, it is obvious that the attacks are well coordinated, and that the ones that attacked (and killed) people at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli were well armed and professionals.
Also, there is a strange logic and seductive truth contemplated by Islamic clerics from Morroco to Malaysia to look at Billionaire Mullahs in Iran and say to themselves – hey I can do that! I can be that! All I have to do, is stir up some anti-Americanism and we can have an Islamic Republic in Libya, Yemen…you name it. And I will sit pretty – like the ayatollahs or ayatoilets (I should say). Thus it is very easy for outside agents of chaos to enter these countries and stir up violence. There is a big win for the clerics who play along.
Thus, there is only one conclusion: nothing is new, we’re in silly season with elections and these riots are designed to play out on the 6 o’clock news in North America and shift the vote – between now and November. And after November, the streets will go back to normal.
And there is one final point here: it is the stupid American electorate that in essence buys into all this and lets their domestic agenda be dictated by Israel or Iran! If only Americans had more sense – none of this would be happening at all. The media in the U.S. had turned Americans into fat, ignorant sheep – that can’t see through all this. If America wants to lead in the New Century it needs citizens that are far better informed, educated and simply aware than it has now. For in the end, idiots will elects idiots, and poor leadership will bring down America permanently.