Vaseto: For Your Taste

Tell us a little about your company.

The Food Manufacturing Company Chasht Asham was established in 1386 and is located in the industrial town of Pishva in Varamin City. Our main products as of now include frozen food such as: chicken kabob, buffalo wings, burgers, chicken nuggets, and various kinds of burritos. Our frozen food brand is called “Vaseto” which means “for you” in colloquial Farsi.

What are the pros and cons of the food industry in Iran?

The pros of being in the food industry here in Iran are that there is a huge market and lots of growth potential. There is a lot of responsibility and liability in this business but the joy of being able to enhance the food options available to the market makes it worthwhile.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using frozen food?

As we all know, the world is moving at a faster pace and working longer hours at work and having more responsibilities at home offers us less time to cook homemade meals. That is why many seek other options for meals, including restaurants, and frozen food. However, frozen foods are less expensive and less time consuming than eating out at restaurants. Frozen foods provide us with a pre-prepared, fast, easy, and delicious option while keeping most of their nutritional benefits and saving us time and money. There is nothing wrong with frozen food as long as the manufacturer abides by international standards (ISO, HACCP) and most importantly has the integrity of producing high quality products.

Who are your customers?

We produce high quality frozen food available to everyone in Tehran and plan to expand throughout the country as our popularity and demand grows. We hope to export to our neighboring countries as well.

Where and how do you advertise your business?

Different methods of advertising consist of billboards, banners, TV, radio, magazines, internet, and word of mouth of our happy customers. We currently use most methods except for TV and Radio. The quality of our products speaks for itself!

What plans do you have for expansion?

The numerous machinery we currently have which meet global standards (UL, CE) have much higher capacity to produce more of our current products and the option to manufacture a variety of other products, including but not limited to fried onion rings, fried shrimp, falafels, and more. We are currently in the researching phase of expanding to different markets with different products. Our potential growth is extremely high and thanks to our research and quality control team we are optimistic about the direction and future of the company.

Is frozen food less nutritious?

Unlike most other frozen food companies here in Iran, we invested a lot in purchasing a spiral freezer for quick freeze. Our IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) instantly freezes our food to a temperature lower than -40° C. This technology has the advantage of better keeping the original flavor, structure, and nutrition of our foods.

What is the shelf life of your products?

6 months.

Do you use preservatives?

No. We do not use any preservatives in our current products. We simply freeze them to below -40° C and store them at -18°C in a sterile environment.

Among the current products in the market, which one is your favorite?

The various burritos we currently manufacture all taste delicious. We are the first and only company in Iran at the moment that manufactures frozen sandwiches (i.e. burritos).

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