Political Cartoon “Shahin versus the Fatwa”

Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani صافی
گلپایگانی issues a Fatwa against Shahin Najafi شاهین نجفی (Iranian
Singer) in Diaspora who released a song called “Naghi” نقی seemingly
offensive to Shia Imam. In essence Shahin Najafi (incidentally the name
Shahin means Hawk) has been nicknamed the “Salman Rushdie of Music.” ………

Original Cartoon posting and Discussion on FACEBOOK (originally published on May 12, 2012)—–> 

See “Shahin versus the Fatwa” on Facebook.

Originally Posted blog  (originally published on May 12, 2012): 

Political Cartoon “Shahin versus the Fatwa” by Iranian American Cartoonist and Artist Kaveh Adel

Artwork 2012©KavehAdel.com

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