An exclusive footage of the actual conversations between Prime Minister Mossadegh and his Foreign Minister Hossein Fatemi on the eve of their ousting. ;0)
Cabinet plot against the PM:
Abbas Milani : Mossadegh knew that his dismissal was legal :
Former Diplomat Parviz Rajji, and Historians Mashadollah Ajoudani and Abbas Milani on the Shah’s role in the Coup of 1953:
( NOTE: Also See Related BBC Interview of Mashadollah Ajoudani on the Iranian Intellegenstia and the Coup of 53 Here )
Related Blogs:
THE PAST IS A FOREIGN COUNTRY: How Would You Evaluate Iran’s Democracy Index in 1953 ?
Isn’t Calling for the Head of State’s Death usually called “Treason”?
TREASON IS A MATTER OF DATES: Constitutionalist Response to a Jomhurykhah Query