New Year Wish List

1) Total air and naval blockade of the IR Terror Regime

2) Target assassinations of the Spiritual Leader, President, leading members of the IRCG, Sepah and Basij militia in Iran

3) Strategic airstrikes of Sepah and Basiji military bases

4) Dismantlement of the Shia state religion

5) Closure and destruction of the Islamic seminaries in Qom

6) Exhumation of Ayhatollah Khomeini’s body and all mullahs implicated in human rights violations since the establishment of the Islamic Republic

7) Restoration of monarchy by plebicit and the new choice of King through direct electoral mandate

8) The end of Shariah Law

9) Purification of the Persian language. Reinstatement of middle Persian, rename most provinces and citiies that have Islamic and Arabic name.

11) Respect the diversity of Iranian people and grant autonomy of regional affairs but keeping Persian as the main official administrative and educational language

12) Have all children take a loyalty oath to Iran schools

13) Preservation of forrests, lakes and all ancient heritage cites

14) Removal of the Hijab in public places

10) Offer financial incentives to parents to name children with pure Persian names.


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