June 29, 2005
Condi Rice's love affair with a Qazvini man
Actual news
item from the Iranian labor
news agency (ILNA) quoting member of parliament Shokrollah Attarzadeh
that Condoleezza Rice's animosity towards Iran is revenge: an Iranian
student from Qazvin broke her heart.

Unhappy love affair explains Rice stance on Iran: MP
TEHRAN, June 29, 2005 (AFP) - Perplexed by the vitriol
of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's attacks on Iran, one
he has uncovered the secret of her enmity -- that she was spurned
by an Iranian boyfriend at college. "
The reason that the US secretary of state attacks Iran is because
she had her heart broken by a young man from Qazvin while they
were students," a confident Shokrollah Attarzadeh was quoted
by the ISNA agency as saying.
Somewhat mysteriously, he added: "This is the result of an
investigation by a woman MP, who cannot be named."
Qazvin is an unremarkable city 150 kilometers (90
miles) from Tehran, hitherto not known for playing a major role
Iran-US relations,
which have been frozen for a quarter of a century.
did not offer any other details on the alleged affair or, for
that matter, any interesting new proposal on how ties
between the two arch-enemies could be warmed up.
Surprising as it may be, amorous explanations for diplomatic
machinations are nothing new here.
It was rumoured last year that German Foreign Minister
Joschka Fischer hardened his tone towards Iran after acquiring
a girlfriend
who supports the exiled opposition.
The alleged leniency of International Atomic Energy
Agency director Mohammad ElBaradei towards Iran's nuclear programme
has also
been explained by ... him having an Iranian wife. Sent by Javaneh & Shahrokh
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