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Finding your own
Photo essay: India

By Marjaneh Zahed-Khorassani-Kindersley
July 15, 2002
The Iranian

Initially I had a return ticket to the Southern state of Kerala for ten days. I stayed three months.

India really is a country of paradox and extremes: strange/familiar, extreme poverty/enormous wealth, corruption/humility, chaos/system, ugliness/unimaginable beauty... but always colorful and with a feeling of being alive.

I've come back with hundreds of tapes ranging from Ghazals to Stutis and Stotras, metres of saris, books (even a book about various ways of saying "hello" in India), roll upon roll of film (taken with a seriously cheap, automatic Canon camera) and a daily desire to go back as soon as possible.

Everyone finds their own India. And I hope that I have been able to show a tiny glimpse of what I saw and experienced in the following pictures and that those smiles will bring you joy.

Comment for The Iranian letters section
Comment for Marjaneh Zahed-Khorassani-Kindersley

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