Too late
By Shadi Assar
March 19, 2002
The Iranian
She kissed upon his lips the words of a thousand I love yous
and lullabied his stubborn heart to sleep
She watched his slumber with adoring eyes
Not a sound she made as he slept
She watched the innocent slumber
But knew his heart and mind were in those dreams.
He kept this sleep on and on like a mask
"I must be in those dreams" she concluded.
So she sat waiting for him to awaken and embrace her like before.
Not a single sound she made.
Not a single sound she made as she died
under the layers of dust collected upon her.
As the last heartbeat turned into a memory
She wished she had cried out his name for help
But it was too late.
Not feeling her presence, he awoke and blew away all of his promises.
But this breath landed on her dust
and inspired her heart to beat twice.
He heard.
But he did not care to listen.
He put on his flimsy jacket and stepped out of the warm house
Into the cold crisp air
Only to be blown back inside
But why?
"What happened to her?" he thought
But he never searched.
He took off his jacket and threw it
as far as he could and ran out the back door.
The dust flew straight up into the air
and shook frantically within the dim light from the kitchen.
Grasping each other once again -- tightly --
they fall down back onto her lap.