By David
July 7, 2003
The Iranian
I'm missing the war this time
because I'm not watching TV
I'm missing the war this time
because I'm not reading the paper
I'm missing the war this time
because I'm not listening to the radio
I'm missing the war this time
because I'm not surfing the net
I'm missing the war this time
not because ignorance is bliss
I'm missing the war this time
because arrogance has seized the Presidency
I'm missing the war this time
because Congress has abdicated its powers
I'm missing the war this time
because the U.S. has become a world thug
David B. McCoy is a Social Studies teacher in
a township school near Massillon, Ohio, and holds a graduate
degree in Socialization and Personality Development
from Kent State University. For nearly 25 years, David has run Spare
Change Press, which in recent years has focused on publishing Solo
Flyer and organizing local poetry readings.
David is the author of The Geometry of Blue: Prose and Selected
and Ohio Wineries Guidebook.
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