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Democrat or Republican


Farhad Zaltash
July 14, 2007

I come from a land;
Its king with the last word,
But mob's vengeance challenges
The kindness embedded in his sword.

I come from a land where father's
Honor is measured
By the son's respect,
A loyalty never deferred.

I set the jew free so prophets
Can't claim this house is biased
Or its king rules
On twisted flaws.

I fall in love with the
Bahaie, so love is blind
But when this heart rules,
My poet, Hafiz, is that divine.

I collaborate with the christian
For those jars of wines,
When both drunk, I am envious of his
Guards blown up by the field-of-mines.

I listen to the atheist for the
Argument of the missing God,
This tribe, mine, blindly
Tainting whatever not on its side.

Don't tell me courage is universal,
Where I have seen mother's
Heart, selfless shield, protecting her child;
Everyone else, fancy preachers or liars.

Throw out ballot box, where measuring
Stick is either a back-stabbing cheater,
a self-serving narcissist,
Or at best an egoist in the matter.

This night is dark and long,
My pain shrewed but longing for a cry,
Where is the Prince,
When loyal Immortals are in stand-by?


To Farhad Zaltash
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A Mirror Garden
A memoir
by Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian and Zara Houshmand
>>> Excerpt

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