Every closet
Farhad Zaltash
June 3, 2007
Every closet has a skeleton,
Mine is a cemetery of villains
Buried beneath the surface;
Buried deeper in grounds, my unknown heroes.
The story of King and
His loyal subjects,
Fathers and sons,
Loyalty of blood bonds.
Sometimes a hidden bubble
Of a teardrop,
Sometimes the aftermath
Sensation of an unanswered smile.
Nightmares desperately trying
To redeem a soul, “why didn't I pursue?”
Old man’s defiance of odds
Falling in love so heart-laughter can ensue.
You show up at midnight
When my skeletons dance together,
The art of peaceful coexistence,
“Get rid of those two ugly ones,” you whisper.
Cemetery turns onto a wedding hall
Marrying off one skeleton at a time,
When gypsy-palm-reader shows up,
But always one teardrop at a time.