Aghdashloo has it all
God, when are we
to understand that she is an actress and she has to show she can
tackle any role?
March 11, 2005
First of all, I have observed Shohreh as a artist in
Iran trying to make a name and later on in the U.S. (she
is in the same age group as I am). Then two years ago
I met her at a very small gathering where Simin
Behabahani, Arian Frashad and a few other notables
were present. She was the only person who was genuinely warm and interested
in those she was introduced to. When she was told by the host
who I was her beautiful face lit up and she said; "She is so beautiful
Okay, I know what you are thinking but you're wrong! The point
I am trying to make is the fact that she comes across as very confident
(not to mention that she is very pretty in person) and takes interest
in other women and people who are doing something worthwhile for
their communities.
I visited a mean-spirited writer at her little place in the
San Francisco Bay Area two years earlier. She was among five people
present and I was the only outsider. I was the guest
of a person who was this writer's editor. She did not remember
me even when I mentioned the gathering at her loft.
Considering that I was the only woman (among the other
five) who discussed literary styles and disagreed with
her on a few points, she should have remembered me.
She was brash to other people in this event as well (she is not
physically attractive and sounds like a man).
I saw Aghdashloo when House of Sand and Fog was shown
in our area and I was proud to have sold most of the VIP tickets.
I was disappointed
at her playing the role of an uneducated, weak and helpless housewife,
but I knew she is trying to break into Hollywood and she has to
start somewhere.
I knew she was meeting Fox TV executives regarding
a series because she was in our area and a friend of mine who
sponsors Iranian
movies at festivals asked me if I wanted to join them for
dinner but it was at 11:30 at night.
I totally forgot about the series until an American colleague
of mine who is well-informed mentioned about 24 and
asked me if Aghdashloo was Iranian.
Then I saw the nasty messages on this site about her role in
24 and how she is a "traitor" and so on. I
laughed. My God, when are we
to understand that she is an actress and she has to show she can
tackle any role?
I watched the show for a few
minutes and frankly I thought they made her look too old and her
accent too thick since I have heard
her speak English and her accent is beautiful.
And I was roaring in laughter when
I read that she is jealous of Googoosh! For God's sake, a handful
of miserable, homely women
said the same thing (and worse) to me when I published "Iranian
diva" just
because I do not worship Googoosh.
What all these irrational people fail to understand
is the fact that neither one of us dislikes Googoosh as a person.
I think she is beautiful (even though that shity blonde hair makes
her look like she has an inferiority complex) and a beautiful voice.
No argument there.
However, what Aghdashloo means (I have not
seen the statements) is that Googoosh really has never shown any
courage and even went so far as to praise Khomeini when she
sang "Agha
Khoobeh" (how's that for a memory!).
Aghdashloo is an Academy-award
nominee as well as a nominee for other prestigious awards. She
is beautiful, educated and you should all be proud of her.
Simply put, there is no reason for her to be jealous of Googoosh
(or any other woman) because she has it all. Also, let's be fair:
acting is her livelihood and if the role is interesting and not
why shouldn't she take it?
Grow up and realize that people who want to call you "terrorist"
do not care whether someone plays the mother of one on TV. Most
people have enough brains to know that she is an actress.
Did you all get mad when Anthony Hopkins played a deranged
murderer? No, you all praised his acting ability. So what is the
difference here?
Let's agree to disagree and embrace those
who dare to express themselves and do not sell their integrity
so they can be liked by a few.
As Hafiz says:
Boro moaalejeh khod kon ey nasihat goo
sharaab o shaahed-e shirin keraa
ziaani daad?