Embrace civilization
We need not
be all homosexuals to think seriously about homosexuals and
consider them as ordinary citizens
Ahmad Nikoobin
July 26, 2005
Yesterday, in a Barcelona suburb the mayor pronounced two young
women married. In Canada a young homosexual couple got married.
Same story in the Netherlands. And in Belgium, Noel Mamere the
Green mayor of Begeles, a small town near Bordeaux, Gironde, France,
declare a young homosexual couple legally married.
Meanwhile in Mashhad two
young men were hung because they committed a homosexual act.
Here we are. The civilized world has jumped forward, differences
are accepted, and even those who do not understand the differences
are tolerant enough to accept reality. Racism and xenophobia are
outlawed in most of civilized countries. Every day a new civilized
society joins the camp of those who accept all forms of personal
By contrast, Islamic
religious savages have aggressively started their opposition to
any progress. Differences are not tolerated. Homosexuals are hung
or thrown from minarets and prostitutes are stoned to death. Fanatic
Jews or Christians are no better. Orthodox Jews persecute homosexuals
and Catholics led by the Pope, bishops and cardinals profoundly
regret that they can not re-establish Medieval torture chambers
for infidels.
Indeed, our world is contradictory. The gap between progressive
people and the reactionary ones is increasing. What happens
in one given place in the world cannot even be imagined in
somewhere else.
Ask a Swede about hanging homosexuals
in Iran. He or she will not understand your question. On the other
side of the world, ask a mullah about marriage between homosexual
couples in the civilized world. He will not be able to imagine
it. To him a homosexual is a sinner and must be killed (unless
the homosexual is the
himself). Killing infidels helps to frighten everybody: "Hm?
you do not want to accept us? You do not want to be like us? You
do not want to accept our rectionary laws? We will kill you."
When Nazis massacred defenseless Jews, they
united the German people around the most aggressive, reactionary
ideas to hide their real aims, which was extending German
influence in a wider region of the world, by attacking the weakest
link, the hated Jews first. The mullahs (all of them agree
on social repression; there is no difference between Khamenei,
Rafsanjani or Khatami) also rose to power by killing the weakest,
those who are different, to silence opposing voices.
These days, they have once again stepped up their killings, to
try to frighten the Iranian people as they are threatened
by strong social movements in different parts of the country:
- The people of Mahabad in Kurdistan Province are restless. They
will not give up against the atrocities committed in their city.
- The textile workers of Kashan have walked to the capital to
demand salaries which they have not received fully for
the last four years.
- Students have had enough of the situation.
- Mahshahr workers in the south are strongly pushing for a minimum
wage of 450,000 toman per month.
- Women no longer accept a system which uses acid as
an offensive tool. They have had enough, they want to live under
21st century rules, they have had enough of reactionary Islam.
- Political prisoners are on hunger strike, they seek freedom
of speech.
The Islamic regime is going to be toppled soon (soon on a social
scale). We need to propose alternatives. There are surely going
to be many alternatives, at least I hope so.
For the progressive Iranian, any alternative must have a clear
position on basic human rights. Any progressive alternative
must have an opinion about capital punishment, women's and minority
rights. Any group supporting
repressive measures against minorities, have
no place in the upcoming progressive Iranian society.
We need not
be all homosexuals to think seriously about homosexuals and
consider them as ordinary citizens with equal rights to any
other ordinary citizen. I am not homosexual; I do not even understand
those who are. But I surely think they are like any other people
and have the same rights.
Let's free ourselves of all our reactionary traditions. Let's
build a modern society with progressive traditions, progressive
human beings, an Iran which is going to be on the tip of human
progress. That is what we must fight for.