boys to crazy fathers
I don't know what it is about men having daughters, who
grow up into young women and all of a sudden dating becomes a huge
July 1, 2005
My wife and I have been married for
twelve years. And for the past eleven years we have been dodging
the question, "so,
when are you guys having a baby?"
I have managed to stop Mom -- not Dad, but Mom -- from asking
that question and making me feel guilty about that "grandchild"
Most of our friends, especially the new ones, don't even
ask any more. They probably think we just aren't able to have kids.
I don't care. Few years ago when my Dad's stupid cousin said
something like, "well, maybe he just can't",
I directly challenged him to send his
daughter over to see if I am or not!
I have come up with 235 reasons why we don't want to have
a child and not one good one to do so. One of those reasons
is that I wouldn't want to deal with the boys when they come
knocking on the door wanting to take my daughter out.
Couple of weeks ago, we made a weekend trip to Kansas City, where
I lived for a while. We made a side trip to Wichita, where
my very good friend and college roommate, Joseph, lives. He and
I have stories from our younger days and some do include "girls".
I won't get into details; he and I will take most of those to grave.
Joseph has three girls. The oldest one, whom I'm
the Godfather to, is nearly 15. The big guy starts shivering,
literally, when the conversation of "boys" surfaces. He simply
shakes his head and curses quietly. Happy go lucky, fun loving,
crazy roommate of mine, whom I had a world of fun with, goes
when we talk about the possibility of a boy taking his girl
out some day soon? Why?
I visited my other very good friend, perhaps my best friend,
Masoud about a month ago in San Jose, California. He and I have
been friends for 26 years. We have shared many happy and some sad
moments and actually have a very strong non-verbal, cerebral relation.
Masoud has an eleven-year-old girl. When I asked him about if
he was ready about this "dating" thing or not, he got
really quiet, looked down and shook his side from side to side.
I don't know if he meant "no", "I don't
know what to say", or simply, "I don't even want
to think about it."
I didn't bring up the topic with
Joseph or Masoud again. I think they're just going to ignore
it, until they face it when it happens.
I don't know what it is about men having daughters, who
grow up into young women and all of a sudden dating becomes a huge
dilemma. Do we, men I mean, see those "boys" as how
us guys used to be long ago? Is the thought, "if they are
half of what I used to be, I'm never letting her out of the
house" running rampant through our minds?
I don't know. All I know is that the feeling is not a good
one. I can't feel what my friends are feeling. We can talk
about our days as young men, elbow each other with a funny look
in our face and say, "boy do you remember her?" But
when it comes to our daughters, all rules change.
Actually, I feel
very bad when this happens. I feel guilty for doing what came
to me naturally as a man and now I suggest playing the same scenario
as Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in the movie Bad Boys. The
buddies go to the front door to meet the boy that is going to
take their girl out, with guns and a crazy attitude.
I don't know what happens. Less than two decades we have
gone from bad boys, ourselves, to crazy fathers. Often I see a
little girl that simply brings fatherhood out in me. I melt with
feels of having and holding her if she was mine. I have always
told my wife, that I would love to see myself be a father to a
little girl with long curly hair. I guess I would never know what
it feels like to see her walk away to her first date, at least
not for now.
In the meanwhile, I wish Joseph and Masoud all the patience and
luck in the world and would like them to know that I'll be
there, if they need me. I'd be right next to them, acting
as nutty as they want me to, just to let that "boy" know
that if he doesn't behave, there will be a price to pay.
A friend told me, just recently, that when his daughters were
starting to date, he would meet the boys, shake their hands very
firmly, almost painfully, and look them straight in their eyes
for a long time, without saying anything. Knowing he had three
daughters and they all got married to those guys who were on the
receiving end of that firm handshake and the stare down, and all
three divorced those same husbands, I told him, "I guess
that didn't work, huh?"