Iranian Person of the year?
Write and introduce her/him
January 7, 2005
During the closing moments of 2004 as I was frantically
trying to read
through as many editions of current event publications as I possibly
I began to realize that the only time Iran surfaced in the news
was when
the said publication was writing about either Iran's nuclear
program or
its disparate politics.
So, I found myself pondering the question: What
about The Iranian? I mean,
amongst all this talk of Iran's government, politics and future,
have we
lost sight of what truly makes Iran a great nation - its people?
Take me, for example, the self-confessed current
event junkie. I could not
name you one Iranian person
who made a difference in 2004,
and trust me, I
have read lists and lists on such categories as "Man of the
"Inventors of the year", "Humanitarians of the year" and
so on.
I am therefore reaching out to you - the readers of Iranian.com.
write to me about someone who you think
deserves to be known for what they
did in 2004 or could even be "Iranian of the year".
You don't have to
write to me about someone whose actions or ideas have necessarily
revolutionary and I am certainly not after the names of those
Iranians who
live in the West but are insurgents trying for a half revolt
against the government.
I am after something much more heart warming.
The short story of someone
who you know, whose life you have observed over the last
year, and who has
brought a flicker of hope to your eyes; perhaps someone
who has rattled
their own life to keep the lives of others intact. In short
someone whose
moment you feel has come and whose story must be shared
- someone who
should no longer remain elusive.
What I would very much like to do is to write
an article for Iranian.com
in the near future, after I have received your responses
and have had time
to read them all, in which I bring these wonderful Iranians
to light.
All the best and Happy new Year
Raman (Buddahead)
For more about Buddahead, aka Raman Kia, and his band, visit buddaheadmusic.com
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