Chasing the devil
There is a passage somewhere in
every religious text book from the Bible to the Koran that mentions
about going
to war for your religious cause
May 17, 2005
iranian.com Halfway through his set, Adam
Green (with whom we
are on tour), turns to
the audience and says, "We are going to bring Judaism back to Toronto." Unsure
about how much more Moses and Kabalah Toronto needs I am disinclined to listen
to the rest of his rant and I turn to his road manager who is sitting by me and
"Where are you guys off to after
"Germany. Adam is huge in Germany, like the
cover of Rolling Stone huge," she replied.
wow!" I
wonder if Adam is also going to try and bring Judaism back to
Berlin. "Any trips planned to Arkansas?" I ask.
I don't think she
heard me this time. Arkansas may not need Adam, however. They just opened
their very
own Natural History Museum in which science has been replaced by the book
of Genesis. The museum depicts a world created by God in six days
and where humans
and dinosaurs live together until eventually the superior human survives
and the poor dino becomes extinct. I assume the curator never watched
depiction of Man vs. T-Rex in Jurassic Park.
"What about
Florida?" I
ask, this time a little louder.
"We haven't been there yet."
are thinking about going down there. We have a lot of fans in
Pensacola," I mention knowing that we haven't made it
down there yet because I am scared of Jeb Bush. His most recent
that allows
Floridians to draw a gun on anyone who makes them feel threatened,
to be honest, is a little too much for me. In my book this makes
him Darth
to La Pierre's
(Head of NRA) Darth Sidious. But, the Bush family are Christians.
How do such devote Christians reconcile their beliefs with pro-gun
legislation? Honestly
though I may know the answer.
There is a passage somewhere in
every religious text book from the Bible to the Koran that mentions
about going
to war for your religious cause. Did any of you take Bible
class? Did you
come across Paul's letter to the Ephesians: 'Put on the full
armor of God so that
you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil'.
In red-neck this translates into: 'Pick up your guns all ye
rednecks and
shoot anyone
who looks like he come from an Axis of Evil nation because
they look threatening'.
This just leaves one question: Why was
President holding Prince Abdullah's
hand? After all weren't most of the 9/11 hijackers from Saudi?
Prince Abduillah threatening then?
For more about Buddahead, aka Raman Kia, and his band, visit buddaheadmusic.com