Cover of a Googoosh single LP, thanks to
Pedram Missaghi
Gharib-e aashenaa
Letters to Googoosh
The deep love and affection expressed in these letters to Googoosh
is truly amazing. And they come not just from Iranians. There are letters
from American, Malaysian, Indian, Arab, Turkish and Hungarian fans too.
And the near unanimous wish is: please, please sing again. As one of her
famous songs goes, "Gharib-e aashenaa, duset daaram biyaa..."
("Come back intimate stranger, I love you...").
There are more than one hundred letters here which were registered
at Googoosh.Com. Like the previous ones,
they will be forwarded to Googoosh herself.
Touched so many hearts
Dear Googoosh,
What can I say to a woman who has touched the heart of so many Iraninans
including my own for so long? What can I say to someone who makes me proud
of being an Iranian? How can I thank her for the excellence of her lyrics,
her singing and her ability to touch your inner most being? All I can say
Googoosh-e Aziz,
I, along with millions of others, love you, miss you, and will never
forget you as long as I live.
Farzad Azari
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Before we all die
Dear Googoosh,
Would you honor us with your presence in the U.S. and give us one more
chance to listen to your beautiful voice & look at your beautiful face,
before we all die?
I grew up admiring you. I would pay anything to see you in concert one
more time. No matter how old you've become or shekasteh! You still have
more fans than anyone else -- ever!
Yours Truly,
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Definitely global
Dear Googoosh,
Unlike the majority of your fans, I am an American, born in 1972 in
New York City and lived there most of my life. I have never been to Iran.
I am not married to an Iranian. I know nothing of Iran.
However, I have been listening to your music for five years now. I feel
that you are sometimes type-cast as an Iranian singer - a gem not shared
with the rest of the world. Though you are Iranian, your music is definitely
In my university, I have insisted that they play more international
music in the student recreation center and they now have four of your albums!!
For an American university to play Googoosh on the loudspeakers was an
accomplishment and they love it. So many foreigners have enquired about
I have heard your music in Germany, Netherlands, Jordan, etc. Not just
the Iranians love and appreciate Googoosh!
My favourite album is "POL". The worst thing is that most
foreigners do not speak Farsi, and your lyrics aren't translated into English
on your web-site. Can you please do that for your millions of foreign fans?
Khodaa Haafez.
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You made such a difference
Dear Googoosh,
I left Iran twenty years ago but I just wanted to tell you that I still
listen to your music. You were my idol.
I used to sing your songs at our family gatherings when I was young.
I have never forgotten you. Even my daughter who is seven-years old knows
You made such a difference in our lives. We lived with your music, we
ate with your music and we cherished you.
I wish you all the best,
Violet Abrahamian
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Still love you
Dear Googoosh,
Sedaay-e to hanooz tu goosh-haay-e man hast. Pass cheraa nemiyaay peesh-e
man? No matter how you cut it, we still love you,
Roya Azimzadeh Deljou
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Don't know Farsi, but...
Dear Googoosh,
Whilst on holidays in Iran in 1975 by chance I heard one of your songs
and was immediately attracted by the poignancy and poetic style contained
in both the melody and your voice.
I purchased the small 45rpm disk of that song. I believe the title was
"if". The use by you of non-singing poetic renditions was the
most appealing part of your treatment of the work.
Since that time I have collected from Arminian friends four cassettes
of your music. I am abloutely ignorant of the Farsi language but even so
it appears that your lyrics come through.
Best wishes to you and your family, enshallah.
Frank Scaysbrook
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Recreate magic?
Dear Googoosh,
As much I wish that you did sing to us again, I often wonder if anyone,
including you, could possibly re-create the magic that we experienced during
the peak of your career in the 70s. I lived in Iran then and like so many
other Iranians shared your feelings and emotions vividly and intimately.
You sang and we felt; how could we escape the spell that you cast on us?
There was no way.
So, what is it going to be? You abandoned us and it is fine if that
is what you wish. Can we at least know that you are well and happy? I Hope
that you live a joyous and rewarding life as you well deserve and that
you are not in harm's way as you once were. That is all we can offer, wishing
you well and saying that we do love you, as we did before and probably
will in the future.
Setareh Sharif
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I'm seven-years old
Dear Googoosh,
I'm seven-years old. My daddy is from Iran and he listens to Iranian
music. We all think your voice is beautiful. My mother is an American.
I love your songs even though I don't understand them. I will learn little
by little.
I think you look like my auntie who lives in Iran. She is very beautiful
and had a good heart. I plan to get your CD because I love your music.
I hope soon you will have a concert here in Indianapolis. I can tell
you this: you are one of the most beautiful and best Iranin singers I know.
Alexa Kathryn
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Faqat yeh baar digeh
Aziz jaan, baa sedaat ger-ye mikonam! faqat yeh baar digeh bekhooon
, nah baraa-ye man -- baraa-ye Iran.
dustet darim,
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Turkish fan
Dear Googoosh,
I am a Turkish fan of yours. As I don't speak Persian I can't understand
most of your songs but still they affect me deeply and the only Turkish
song I heard from you was a killer. You were magnificent. I thank you for
your art, your presence and your grace.
Let everything be according to your wishes and good health.
Ergun Geyikdagi
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50 years ago
Dear Googoosh,
I saw you performing in Bandar-e Anzali, 50 years ago. You were about
six-years old and I was in grade school. I left Iran in 1963. It is interesting
that after all those years I get information about you on the net. I always
admired you and I was very impressed when you decided to stay home in Iran.
Take care,
Fariborz Saheli
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Hi Googoosh
I and my girlfriend Nooshin (she looks a bit like you and I call her
NooNoosh! from time to time) absolutely adore you.
When I watch your shows and films and listen to your music, I sometimes
think, I wouldn't have minded to be a 25-year old then instead of now.
I think I generally belong to that era, but there is very little I can
do about that now, and trust me, I'm doing everything I can!
Well so long for now, maybe we (I, Nooshin and another 50 million fans
around the world) will see you one day. Maybe we won't, but we'll always
love you.
PS: Nooshin here says: she'd like to see you in a concert one day.
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Gave to life
Dear Googoosh,
I have been a fan of yours ever since I was five-years old. My family
is originally from Afghanistan and listening to your music has brought
back so much nostalgia. I have seen your videos and I love each and everyone
of them.
I love all of your songs and your voice seems to become sweeter each
time I hear it. I listen to your music all of the time, especially when
I just want to relax.
I understand why you do not sing, but it would be so incredible if you
had a concert. I would be the first person to buy tickets. I am willing
to pay hundreds of dollars for them!!!!!
I thank you Googoosh Khanoom for inspiring me and giving meaning to
my life!!
Arzo Bashir
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I am not Iranian
Dear Googoosh,
I am not Iranian. But I have heard some of your songs. My husband told
me that you are the only -- I mean "only" singer -- that sings
with feelings. And he also told me that you have stopped when you were
at the top! Well, all I wish is that you will remain the BEST and come
back and sing.
Gowri Rastgoftar,
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Dear Googoosh,
The first time I heard one of your songs being played was in a concert
when I was 5. It was "Khalvat".
I'm 17 now and know how to play a few of your songs like, "Khalvat",
"Pol", "Khaabam ya Beedaaram", "Gol bee Goaldon",
"Marham", "Aryalough", "Nemiyad", "Mah
Peeshoni", and "Man Amadeh-am".
I have all your CDs that are being sold. Everyday when I walk to school
and back I listen to your songs and then watch your music videos.
I hope one day you'll come here or Iran will be liberated again so I
may go there.
Deeply in love with your music,
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Crown jewel
Dear Googoosh,
Aziz, I really can't express my love for you in words, just know that
through this time that I've spent out of Iran (more than half of my life)
YOU have kept the voice of Iran alive in me.
It's because of you and others like you that I devote my life to a free
Iran. You are truly the crown jewel of Iran and Iranian singers.
You have devoted all your life to us, and therefore we respect that
you want this time to be in your own world. Although in the bottom of my
heart I will always want to hear you sing "Parand-e" and "Pol"
and "Hamsedaa".... (Okay I'll stop now!).
My love for you is eternal.
Pedram Arang
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Dear Googoosh,
Mitunam hadss bezanam keh cheh zendegi-ye sakhti daashti. Vali beyn-e
maahaa khodaa hasti. aayaa miduni keh eshgh maa baraat cheghadar samimi
va haghighi hast? Cheraa?
Az khodam kheyli in soaal raa kardam. Chonkeh aarezu-ye harkodum az
maahaast keh messl-e to, messl-e kuh dar moghaabel-e moshkelaat beistim.
To Cinderellaaye maa hasti keh baa sedaay-e ghashanget beh maa jaan va
omid midi.
23 saal bishtar nadaaram vali az 10 saalegi navaarhaat raa kharidam
va gosh daadam. Vaghti ashegh budam...Vaghti ghalbam shekasteh bud....
Hamisheh baa man hasti. Har jaa keh baashi.
Duset daram,
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Made me love Persian music
Dear Googoosh,
I have known you for the past two years through the heart and soul of
my beloved khanum (wife) who grew up with your magical words. You and your
contribution to Persian arts will always be fresh and loved for centuries
to come.
You have made me love Persian music especially your own. "Vakti
hasti khubam, vakti nisti bito ...
Thanks for helping me appreciate the beautiful culture from an equally
wonderful people. Although I am not Persian, I feel the message you relay
through your music.
Thanks and God be with you hamisheh.
Satwant Singh
Kuala Lumpur,
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Your songs everywhere
Dear Googoosh,
All the Iranians love you so much. When I visited Tehran a few months
ago I heard your songs everywhere (engaar keh hanuzam enghelaab nashodeh);
in the buses, in the cars even in some peoples' stores.
Anyway I would like to see you. Just send me an email if you want to
visit us in Dubai. We can hold big parties in my uncle's hotel and you
can also see your old friends, Mahasti., Moin and others. Just think about
it ..
I love you,
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Too occupied by you
My Dear Googoosh,
Just like many other Persians, I love and adore you. I love your voice
and every single aspect about you. As I listen to your songs day and night,
I become occupied with the thoughts of being lucky enough to meet you one
day. I always ask about you when I talk to my family in Tehran. I just
wonder if they know where you live or if they have ever seen you, and they
think I am too occupied by your thoughts.
I love your movies (especially "Bita" and "Hamsafar").
I love all your songs from "Hamoomak murche daareh" to "Setareh
aay Setareh". Your song "Pol" ("baraa-ye khaabeh masumaane-ye
eshq komak kon...") will always have a special meaning for me.
As you already know, every Persian person is wondering why you stopped
singing. Everyone has their own theory, yet the question still remains
Why did Googoosh stop her career? We all wonder what you are doing and
where you are right now.
I have heared many things like "Googoosh has her own boutique and
a beauty salon in Tehran" or "Googoosh lives in Shemroon by herself"....
Dear Googoosh, during our Persian parties, we always play your love
songs and we end the night with everyone wishing and hoping you were with
us in person. There is always talk among us university students about what
if you oneday decide to come to North America. There is always talk about
how much would we be willing to spend on your concert tickets if you were
ever to sing again.
The highest price said was 2,500 Canadian dollars and the lowest was
500 Canadian dollars. Personally, if I had the money I would spend as much
as I could just to see you or hear you sing.
I watched a show once in which Kambiz was performing. At the end of
the video clip, he played the message which you had left for him. You were
telling him to take care of himself and that you love him. It was so nice
hearing your voice. Now your son has a baby boy (Dara), and I wish I could
see them in person.
Googoosh my 22nd birthday is next month and one of my wishes is to be
able to see you oneday. You are a mystery not just for me but for everyone
like me who loves you. You are very beautiful and both your beauty and
your talent will always be engraved in my heart. You will always have your
place in our hearts and no one will be ever to replace you.
Love always,
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Made a fake ID
Dear Googoosh,
well i was born after the revolution and i don't really have a picture
of how it was back then when people my age go to the nightclubs and discos
where you probably held your concerts. but what i'm saying is that no matter
what, i would have made a fake ID to come in and watch you sing and dance,
just like a few years ago when i was under age and that was the only way
of getting into a nightclub.
all i'm saying is that i just love your songs, dancing and movies soooo
much that i have gathered all of them. i just want to see you sing live
in front of me and a million other young and old fans of yours who love
you and what you have done for our music. to see you face to face is a
dream which i hope some day some where will come true.
with loads of love, support and respect,
p.s. i always drink for you
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Girl from Hungary
Dear Googoosh,
I'm a 30-year-old girl from Hungary. Last year I met an Iranian boy
here, and he's still my boyfriend. He showed me some of your songs. AND
I LIKE THEM VERY MUCH!!! I have a European background and I didn't know
about Iran before. This culture is very unique. Your songs help me feel
something of Iran and also help me to learn Farsi.
Judit Szeles
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Praying to Gods & Satan
Dearest Googoosh,
As I am writing you, I have my Walkman on, listening to your song called
"Shekaayat", with tears in my eyes. I am praying to all the Gods
and even Satan for Iran to be like what it was before because I know deep
inside that you want to produce new music but can't. You are simply the
best female singer.
Luv always,
Milad B.
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Googoosheh Aziz,
It is more like a dream writing to you, since you have been present
in my mind, and in my body, ever since I have known myself. I have seen
your face, in so many places, in the mirror, in my mother's face, and so
many Iranian women. You are the architype of Iranian woman.
And then, I also got to love shomaal through you. Not only I, but a
whole generation got to love Chaloos roads, the landscapes, the sea, the
smells of shomaal through your eyes. This was your gift to all of us.
Thank You,
Mahnaz Yousefzadeh
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Your songs in Darband
Googoosh Aziz,
salaam beh shaah maahi-ye daryaa-ye Iran : - )
hich moq'e duri-ye chandin saal-e shomaa az music pop iraani nemitavaanad
jaa-ye shomaa raa dar qalb-e tamaami-ye javaanaan-e Tehran paak namaayad,
az in ru har hafteh dar DARBAND baa jesaarat aahang-haaye shomaa raa baraa-ye
dust daaraanat mikaanam.
dustet daarim,
Reza Torkzadeh
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Mazhar-e safaa
Az hameh -- Shah, Mossadegh, Khomeini, Rafsanjani, Khatami va ghyereh
-- bishtar beh Iran khedmat kardid, va to raa hameh dust daarand va hich
kas nist shomaa raa dust nadaasht-e baashad.
Agar man rahbar-e Iran-e aazad va aabad beshavam, eskenaas-haaye Iran
raa baa temsaal-e shomaa mozayan khaaham kard.
Man dar daaneshgaah va madres-e dara midaham. Zemnan baraadaram, Sana
Eddin Ziaian baa shoma dar film-e "Bita" hambaazi bud (dar naqsh-e
Kurosh, ma'shuq-e Bita).
Shomaa mazhar-e dusti va safaa va mehr-e Iran hastid.
Dustdar-e azaadi, aabadi va sarbolandi-e Iran-e bozorg.
Dr. Ziaian
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I'm from Turkey
Dear Googoosh,
My name is Ebru. I'm from Turkey and I live in Istanbul. I like your
music and I listen to your cassettes all day. Iwant to buy your new cassette
but here I can not. Maybe you send me?
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In New Delhi
Dear Googoosh,
I hope this letter will be most surprising to you. I am not an Iranian
citizen by law. But my heart is having same love & affection to Iran
as any other Iranian could have.
I was born and lived in Iran till 1986. Now at present I am living in
New Delhi India. I love your voice and regularly listen to your songs.
I get your cassettes & CDs from Dubai airport. Whenever any Iranian
friend comes to me we all enjoy your songs.
All the best for your future. Khudaa Aafis.
Bittu Anand
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Dear Googoosh,
As a child I used to sing your songs on my way to school everyday. As
a teenager, your son was a classmate of mine at Iranzamin school. And now,
even a fragment of your songs makes me restless for home.
Best Wishes Always
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Dear Googoosh,
Salam. Agar ejaazeh bedahi, kami baahat dar-de-del konam.
yek dokhtar-e besyaar zeebay-e shesh saaleh daaram. Khodam vakil hastam
va dar Los Angeles zendegi mikonam. zendegi-ye man beh soorat ajeebi zeer-o-roo
shod. hodoodeh seh saal-e peesh daashtam pas as sizdah saal talaaq migereftam
va maadar va pedaram baraa-ye hemaayat az man va dokhtaram (Dariyan) aamadand
dar boh boheyeh jang sar-e dokhtaram dar daadgah boodam keh naagahaan
hashtom-e khordaad 1376 yek saaneheyeh naahanjaar va ajeeb-e otomobil baaes
shod keh maadar-e naazaninam raa dar jaa az dast bedaham va pedaram ham
pas az bastari shodan dar beemaarestaan baraayeh 47 ruz, az beyn raft va
kholaasse engar keh yek dafe paa-yeh va banaa-ye zendegi-am as beyn raft
va mesl kasi keh hameyeh dalaayele zendegi kardan raa azash gerefteh baashand
sargardaan shodam.
amaa meedaanestam ke baayad baasham va Dariyan deegar bejoz man kasi
raa nadaarad. baa in ham-e ghodrat-e fekri, tahsilaat, salaamati, va etemaad
beh nafs keh hameesheh shaameleh haalam bood, va baa hameyeh talaashi keh
kardam, natavaanestam jelo-ye az beyn raftaneh in do fereshteh keh dar
hameyeh zendegishaan dar komak va morede samar boodan baraayeh har shakhsi
keh baa anaan barkhord kard, begeeram.
meedooni, zendegi hamchenaan edaameh daarad va rooz-haa meegozarad va
mardom hamchenaan beh kaarhaayeh roozmareye knod mepardaazand. delam meekhaast
ke charkhe donyaa be-eestad va deegar zendegy nabaashad, vali dar eyneh
haal meedaanestam keh bad bood va baayd baasham va baayad baashad.
sarat raa dard aavardam.meedaanam keh to ham dar zendegi beh tanhaa-ee
baa moshkelaate ziyaadi rooberoo shodi va be har soorati keh bood sarat
raa baalaa negah daashti va mogheiyateh khodat raa hefz kardi. beh vojoodeh
zani mohkam va baa estedad chon to eftekhaar mikonam.
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Didn't like Iranian music
Dear Googoosh,
Salaam khaanom. mikhaastam begam keh uni keh in SITE ro dorost kardeh
va kaari kardeh keh maa betunim in aks-haa va in image-haaro bebinim kheili
kaaresh dorosteh.
DID U KNOW THIS: keh man taa ruzi keh aahang-e KAVIR ro nashnid-e budam
(1997) az aahang-e iraani khosham nemiaamad. baa shenidam sedaay-e shomaa
donyaa-ye music iraani beh ruye man baaz shod. man DJ khaareji budam haalaa
iraani kaar mikonam.
So have fun and good luck. I hope I can see u on stage soon.
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I am from Iraq
Dear Googoosh,
You rule. I am a boy from Iraq. I grew up in Iran and I have been living
in Holland since 1989. When I came to Holland I really got into your music.
As you know when there was war between Iraq and Iran, I really couldn't
find any Persian music.
But in Holland I saw your pictures for the fist time and my parents
told me that they saw you live when you came to Iraq in the 70's. WOW.....
Just wanted to tell you... YOU RULE and my dream is to see you one day.
I am a very very big fan of you..
You rule....
There is one thing I wanted to tell you and all the people who read
I am looking for video material on you, especially Rang-a Rang shows
and concerts. If anyone could help me I would be forever thankful.
You rule....
I love you....
Safa Nias
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You're teaching me Persian
Dear Googoosh Jan,
My name is Kellie and I am an Angelo who lives in the United States.
Recently I was introduced to your music by my Iranian friends, who believed
my spoken Persian would improve if I listened to your music. And I am happy
to report that it has!
Googoosh, by listening to your beautiful music, my pronunciation is
now more understandable. Merci!
Feylan Khodaahaafez,
Kellie Foreman
PS: My favorite song is "Jah'deh".
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From Kuwait
Dear Googoosh,
We are from Kuwait and we like you. You are the greatest voice in Iran.
No voice will come like you. We would like you to sing again and if we
come to Iran we would like to see you.
I was in Iran six years and I always wished to see you but I couldn't.
I used to live in Shemran, Kamraniyeh Jonubi. We like to draw and would
like to draw you one day.
Thank you, Bye bye.
Masoma & LeeLee
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I am 13
Googoosh-e aziz,
Hi!! How are u? I am 13 and I am a female. I luv ur voice and u! U are
very beautiful and have a wonderful voice.U have influenced me in music.
I am your number one fan!! I luv u so much. I hope that one day I can meet
u! I live In Washington. I hope u will sing again and come have a concert.
I would be the first one there! Well, take care : = )
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If you had a daughter
Dear Googoosh,
I think that you are incredibaly beautiful and have the best vioce in
the world. And if you had a daughter I would marry her! of cource it would
depend on who the father would be, but in any case love your work.
Love ya. oooooooooooooooooooses for you!
P.S. if you ever perform in a concert, I would give anything to be there.
I promise!
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Saw you on three occasions
Salam aziz-e delam,
I am a 42-year-old married waman studying PhD in clinical psychology
in Australia. I have known and admired you since I was a little girl. I
remember watching you singing in a TV advertisement for "Kalaye Khordsalan"
when you were a teenager . I also remember you sang Turkish, Arabic and
English songs when you were only 16 years old. You had also an excellent
performance when you were pregnant.
The first time I saw you was at "Shahr-e Qesseh cinema when you
were invited to ateend the first screening of your movie "Bita"
for the Sepas festival. The second time was at the Hilton Hotel when I
was chosen as twenty finalists for the most intelligent girl for Zaneruz
magazine's Dokhtar-e Shaayesteh competition. You and Sasan Kamali were
running the show. I was thrilled and honored when my name was announced
by you.
The third time was the summer of 1977 when my family and I went to Shiraz
and attended Korosh Hotel. You, Satar and Nasrin formed performed at Shiraz's
Garden Party. Surprisingly, your hotel room was opposite our's. I sent
my little niece to get your autographed picture. Then we saw you swimming
beautifully at the hotel's pool. I was dying to talk to you but I was shy
and worried about your reaction.
It was my great honor to be close to you and share some memories on
several occasions. I am also the sister of one of Behrooz Vosoughi's friends.
We were happy you married him, dissapointed when you got divorced.
As a psychologist, I understand the covert dissapointment, stress and
anger that I used to see in your eyes. In fact, you were tired of spending
your energy and life for the sake of others, some of whom exploited you
very badly. I believe the last 20 years has been a good rest for you, although
it has been a great loss for all your fans including me. I hope you have
a happy and long life, and sing for the sake of yourself rather than others.
I look forward to seeing you on the stage in the new millinium.
With great love and admiration,
Mansooreh Ghafar-Tabrizi
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Sing my song
Dear Googoosh,
I am living in Germany, but I was born and grew up in Iran (Tehran).
I grew up with your songs.
Now that I am a young man, I am composing music myself that was inspired
by your music. My dream was always to compose a song that you would sing.
If that happens, one of my biggest dreams would come true! Please make
this dream come true!
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Unfinished book
Dear Googoosh,
I grew up with your voice and loved seeing you sing every chance I got.
You are like a book that I have left unfinished and Iwould like to know
more about what you are doing now. You had a positive effect on my life,
beside the pleasure of listening to you. You are very unique and I wish
you the best in life.
Respect and love always,
Mehrzad Zamanpour
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One word, "Vatan"
Dear Googoosh,
One word, "Vatan". That's what goes through my mind everytime
I listen to your songs. I was only a child when you were "dar oj-e-shohrat",
but I rember every move and every minute. I remember how glorious Iran
was. Yes, your voice reminds me of those times.
Anyway, all I like to tell you is that the old Iran may be dead in our
hearts, but your voice is alwasy in our hearts along with the memory of
Have a happy life!
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Afghanis love you
Salam Googoosh,
I am 18-years old and I was born in Afghanistan. I love your songs and
I think you are the best. Afghan people love you.
Jamil Assadi
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Foreign friends
Dear Googoosh,
The first record I bought when I was still a teenager was "Ghesseh-ye
do maahi". That was 25 years ago, but today and forever, my remembrances
from Iran are bound to your wonderful melodies and every time I can, it's
a pleasure to make my foreign friends listen to your divine voice and they
feel a great emotion.
I'll love you till the last breath.
Merci et au revoir.
Charan Narimani
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Aaloo Albaaloo Aalooche
Dear Googoosh,
Salum. Dorud. Hi. Dorud. Doru Dod Dod Dod
Aaloo Albaaloo Aalooche Cigaro Soot mikoneh dar Del A Koocheh
Waght Waght A Kooch A !
Darooni_Yo_Borooni ~~
Ghamary Hejri Darooni
Shamsi Hejri Borooni
Mehmon Ferestaadeye Khodaast
Mehmon A Sarzadeh Habib_bol_Las ( Farhang A Irani)
Shirraa daaran migardan donbaal A shekaar kardan
Beyaa dast bedast-e shon bedim
Khorshid-o bezaaran sar A Kaar Bargh towlid kardan!
FA AMour
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Changed my life
Dear Googoosh,
I love you I love you I love you
I am a 20-year-old student going to Foothill College, California. I
came to the U.S. around the time of the revolution (I was about 5).
Your music has changed my life Googoosh Joon :- ) I listen to your music
at night in my room and I think of how my life would be if I was in Iran.
Your name will always be a part of my life.
If you read my letter I want you to know that your legend will never
die, it will only get bigger. If it is possible, could u send me a picture
of you and Behrooz Vosoughi so I can print it and put it on my wall? ...
: - )
Your Fan,
Emaude Tayebi
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Aaarezoo daareem
Dear Googoosh,
salaam. omidvaareem haalat khoob baashad. maa (Furoozan, Hengameh, Khatereh
& Fatemeh) az taraafdaaraan to hasteem, boodeem va khaahim bood.
aaarezoo daareem keh to dobaareh az poshteh abr beeroon beyaa-ee va
tak setaareh-ye museeqi-ye Iran baashy. Baraayat aarezoo-ye movafaqiyat
Furoozan, Hengameh, Khatereh
& Fatemeh
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Pictures on my wall
Dear Googoosh,
I'm Vachik Telimyan, born in Armenia (Armenian) my parents were born
in Iran. I'm 28. I thought you might need a lettle info. about me, but
that is not that important.
My Dear Googoosh, your songs make me cry like a baby beacause they are
so touchy. You are my dream girl. I have your pictures on my walls like
in the movie "Dar Emtedad-e-Shab", like Saeed Kangarani. The
feeling I have for you is not easy to explain in plain text. I LOVE YOU!
We all hope that there will be one day, one sunny day that we'll see
you singing again. It's not just the Iranian people who know you. The whole
Middle East is waiting for your sweet voice. We all want you to be very
happy because that's what you have given us.
From the bottom of my heart - I LOVE YOU!!!
Vachik Telimyan
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"goo goo... goo goo"
Dear Googoosh,
When I was a child. I used to point to the TV and say "goo goo...
goo goo". Then I become a teenager and listening to your songs made
me wonder why is she so sad.. Then I got older, learned a few harsh lessons
and got a taste of the stories behind your songs for myself, as if my fate
was written in your songs.
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I`m only 14
Hi Googoosh,
Believe it or not, I`m crying writting you this letter. I`m only 14
years old, but I love your music. My whole family does, they are Iranian.
I was born In Iran, but we moved to the USA when I was one.
Googoosh, please just come and visit the USA. If you just come, you
will not believe the response you will get. EVERYONE adores you, not just
love, but adores you! They will put you on a throne! Nobody can be like
you, all these singers, try to act like you, they don`t even come close!
You are the only Iranian muscian that I like, I don`t even know the
language, but I listen to yourr CD`s anyway! I also think you are the prettiest
woman in the world, you have such a beautiful face! And I loved your clothes!
They are so chic! I hope you come to the USA one day, please do.
With Love,
Sharokina Sava
PS: When you were younger, you sang at my grandparents wedding!
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Ey Kaash
Googoosh-e Aziz,
salaam. omidvaaram keh khoob baashi va har jaa keh hasti khoob va saalem
baashi va behet khosh begzareh.
GOOGOOSH, Ey Kaash Mitoonesti Bekhooni Vali Afsoos Keh Shaayad Digeh
Hichvaght To Ro Dar Haal-e Khoondan Nabinim.
GOOGOOSH Khanoom-e Naz, To Behtarin Khaanandeh Iran Boodi Va Anchenaan
Baa Ghodrat Umadi Keh Hanuz Ham Hichkas Natunesteh Khodesho Beh To Hataa
Nazdik Koneh Va Ehtemaalan Taa Saal-haaye Saal Baayad Dar Hasrat GOOGOOSH-e
Digar Bemooni...
GOOGOOSH, Man Asheq-e Music Hastam Va Yek Arshiv-e Bozorg Az Tamaam-e
Khaanandehaa Daaram. Albateh Faqat Aahang-haaye Ghashang-e Aanha Vali To
Taanha Kasi Hasti Keh Har Chi Aahang Az To Bedastam Resid Zabt Kardam.
GOOGOOSH Jan, Ziyad Sareto Dard Nemiyaaram. Man Va Hamsar-e Aayandam
Aasheq-e Aahang-haay-e To Hastim.
Ghorbaan-e To
Pejman (19) Va Fahimeh (19) az
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Those beautiful days
Dear Googoosh,
I am a 17-year old Iranian living in Turkey and l would like to let
you know that you are the only person whose music has influenced me. Each
time l listen to your songs. l recall those beautiful days Iran must have
had before the revolution and although l have never had the chance to see
those days your music manages to take me to those gorgeous days.
There is another reason why l can not help admiring you. While the majority
of those prominent and rich Iranians abandoned lran -- including my family
-- you preferred to stay in your homeland and never ever thought of leaving
it at all and from my point of view it is an awesome behaviour .
You are the symbol of Iran and modern Iranian music. l thumbed through
your biography and determined that you had had a very hard childhood ,
but in the and managed to reach the top. That hard period of your childhood
migt have earned you some resourcefullness .
Right after writing this note l am gonna listen to your songs again
just in order to imagine those years in the 70 's.
All the best,
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You are cool
Dear Googoosh,
You are cool. My father listens to your music all the time. Did you
dye your hair blond or is it natural? Do you enjoy singing? If you do why
don't you sing anymore? Do you like Celine Dion or Britney Spears? We love
Nastaran Hadizadeh
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Dear Googoosh,
I am half-German and half-Iranian and I was born in Germany and lived
there for 12 years. Then I moved to the United Arab Emirates, where I first
heard your music.
I can just say that the music you make symbolizes the history of Iranian
music. By the way my favorite song is Makloogh.
I wish you good luck.
Lots of love,
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Ageh misheh bargard
Dear Googoosh,
Faghat mikhaastam begam keh hameh-ye maa iraani haa delemoon baraat
tang shodeh. heyf shod keh rafti. ageh misheh bargard taa beh sedaa-ye
ghashanget goosh konim.
Shaad baash,
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See you again
Dear Googoosh,
As you might know, the wish of most Iranians is to see you one more
time or to hear you. You have been and you are my favorite singer. I would
be really happy to hear from you! Or see a picture of you.
I just want to thank you for your songs.
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Persian American
Dear Googoosh,
I just wanted to thank you for your music. I am a Persian American,
who grew up without the influence of my Iranian culture. But after being
introduced to your beautiful recordings I am fast learning what a rich
and beautiful culture I have.
Thank you!
Abiay Randhawi
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Best with Varoujan
Dear Googoosh,
I have liked you and listened to your music since I was a teenager.
I am now in my thirties and even now listening to your songs instantly
transports me back to those days - days of Rangarang and Do Panjereh.
What I admired most about you was the way you took risks with your career
(always a sign of a true artist!) and the way you experimented with new
songs, and were able to work with young musicians and songwriters. I think
some of your best work was with the late Varoujan.
There's such a lot more I want to say but I think it's best to keep
this short. I'd like to take this opportunity to say how much you mean
to all of us, and we hope to see you perform again one day.
My very best wishes to you,
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Laughing and crying
Dear Googoosh,
When my husband told me that I can find your songs on the Internet,
I was really more than happy. Even though I left Iran when I was five years
old, and this is 24 years ago.I really miss it very very much. And I have
to say that you are also one reason.
You were and still are my favorite singer, entertainer, actor. I still
have movies of myself, which my father took from me, imitating you. I had
always the same hairstyle as yours, acted like you, and even at that age,
your pictures, which my Mum gave to me from Zaneruz were in my ganjeh.
I was listening to your songs, was laughing and crying and thinking
of my childhood. Thanks for being a part of my life with your songs.
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Inceredible style
Dear Googoosh,
I was five years old when the revolution took place and you stopped
performing. 21 years later, I still adore your voice, your inceredible
style and your most expressive and exotic eyes. I have been wanting to
write a letter to you for the longest time.
I just want you to know that you are adored here in the West and I wish
I would be able to see you in person and tell you how you have affected
my life with your voice and how you never let me forget Tehran and my childhood.
May God bless you wherever you are and please come to the U.S. because
the Iranians need to see your radiant face at least one more time.
Googoosh-e aziz, maa baraa-ye hamisheh dustat daarim. By the way, most
people say that I look like you when I wear my hair short... I ONLY WISH!!!!!!!!
; - )
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