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 Write for The Iranian

Googoosh is back!?
Authortities give her permission to sing, plus fan letters

By Fereshteh Hooshmand
March 6, 2000
The Iranian

Ladies and gentleman. Get ready. The looong wait is over. The Queen of Pop, the Goddess of Music, the woman known lovingly as Shah Mahi will sing again.

Yes, yes, yes! Googoosh WILL sing again! At least this is the latest rumor straight out of Tehran.

I know, it's unbelievable. But this comes from a couple of sources who have contacts with high-level officials in Tehran. This is what they've told me:

Googoosh recently wrote a letter to the Ministry of Culture (Ershad) asking permission to sing. The authorities have said that she can do so, but not in Iran. She can go abroad and hold concerts.

Now the second part of the story, I'm not too sure of. They say Googoosh has told concert promoters in the U.S. that she is willing to go on a world tour -- but at a price: $800,000. I don't doubt that she's worth it (even a lot more than that) but if she had contacted any Iranian concert promoters the word would have gotten out by now.

Well, it doesn't make any different. What's important that our dream is finally going to come true. We no longer have to listen to her old albums and wonder why the most popular singer of all time -- maybe the most-loved Iranian personality of all time -- stopped singing after the 1979 revolution.

I can just imagine her first concert... absolutely crazy! See you all there!

In the meantime, here are more fan letters from

Quick million
Your player

No idea
Dusty Springfield

Masoud Kimiyaie
Learn Farsi
Yes, I'm pretty

Sing once more
See you
No one else
Aziztar az jaan
Live with you
Feel good
Feel high
Opposing image
As gold

Not forgotten
Big fan
I'm coming
Deprived us

5 saalegi

Best wishes
Start again
Let's hope
Favorite all time
Teach others
Still favorite

Swimming pool


Nedaaye shaadi
Iran's youth

In our hearts

My guitar

Stop writing
My heart


Love is not a word to describe you. We - my family, my friends, my relatieves, and I- adore you. You are the best. I don't know anybody who is not in love with you, your songs, and your act. We all know your songs by heart. We can not have a party without a few of your songs, and I had your song - Khaabam yaa bidaaram- as openning song for my wedding and it bacame a custom among our friends. Do whatever is best for you. You are always part of our life and the way we live. You are always with us. We just missed you a lot.

Love always


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How are you? You have touched hearts in your lifetime. I used to pass by your house in Niavaroon a lot. I like your songs a lot and have many memories with them. I am not in Iran right now, I am in Los Angeles (Tehran Geles) and would love to see you sing in this town. I just wanted to tell you that there aren't a lot of artists like you anymore.

Salar Atrizadeh

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salam. man mikhaam beh zabaan-e maadarim ehsaasam ro behet begam. man 19 saalameh va motavaled o saaken e Ahvaz hastam. asheghet hastam va tanhaa navaarhaa-ye to va Dariush ham-dam-e man hastan. vali heyf keh gir nemiaad va man tedaad-e mahdoodi azeshoon daaram.

dar hasrat-e didaar-e to aavaareh-tarinam, har chand keh taa manzel-e to faaseleh-ee nist.

ghorbaanet beram. az door miboosamet


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Agar cheh chandaan az Iran kol-lan khaatereh khoshi nadaaram, vali har mogheh sedaa-ye garm-e to ro mishnavam tamaam-e khaatereteh khoobi raa keh dar koodaki dar Iran daashtam zendeh misheh. Sedaa-ye garmet va aahanghaa-ye zibaat hamish dar ghaalb maa khaahad maad.

Doostat darim


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Deasr Googoosh,

I just wanted to say that you are everybody's LOVE and still they listen to your music. But what will happen if someone really wants to ask you personal question. I mean , will you answer it? It may be a stupid question to ask, but I really want to know and it's so IMPORTANT to me. I hope you will understand me! Then, I will ask you the question when I'll get a message from you.

Thank you for your Time.
Thank you for your Time.


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Hello my sweet angel. I'm a very big fan of you and I'm fond of you and your songs. I just want to know if it's true that you will release a new album because I read it in newspapers and if you have a new project I wish to you all the best wishs from me and all the Bahraini people espesially from me. Good luck.


Ahmed Alqaseer

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5 saalegi

Hamisheh aashegh-e sedaato mousighit boodam, va hanooz har-rouz keh CD va navaaraato goosh mikonam fekr mikonam 5 saalame va baa maamaanam daarim aamaadeh mishim berim madresseh. yaad-e rouzaayee keh to baa sedaato eshghet por kardio faraamoosh nakardani.

Az samime ghalbe moteshakeram.


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salam azizam. to eshgh-e mani. man aarezome ye poster az to daashtam va mizaadam beh divaar-e otaagham vali nemidoonam az kojaa gir biaaram. hamintor keh mibin emailaamam baa esme to shoroo mishe.


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Salam. harf-e khaasi nist. faghat salam. va I wanted to say your songs make me cry when I want to cry.


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My guitar

I fell in love with you when I was just 12 years old. You were always in my dreams. Now that I am away from Iran for the last 12 years, in my loneliness I sit down and take my guitar and play your songs. You will always be my favorite singer and no matter what your age is, you are young in my heart. I will continue singing.


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Stop writing

Hi, how are you doing? I am a big fan of you. I love your voice and you. I listen to your songs every day. I stop writing and I am looking forward to hearing your reply. I stop writing. I wish you all the best. That is all for now.

F. Jafari

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You are one of the most gifted and bloved artists, which I am proud to say. If America is proud to have Elvis, I am proud to have you. After all these years we all still love you and I myself still enjoy listening to your beautiful songs. I know how hard it is for all of us to not have you aroud , but we still love you more than ever. I hope one day, we will see you soon in cocert.


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Swimming pool

man Fariba hastam va khaili shomaa ro dost daaram har vaght miyaam tehraan cheshmaam hameh jaa donbaal-e shomaa megardeh. bazeeha megan shomaa meereen estakhr, shaayad hameh-ye estakhrhaa ro raftam va har rooz beh oonjaa-haa sar meezadam


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No idea

Dear Googoosh,

It's not fair that there is only one of you. I love your voice so much. I have no idea about what you are saying while you are singing, but I just know that it's about my favorite subject -- love. I just thought that I'd let you know that I love you, and especially your voice, passionately.

I am yours,

Ken Casper

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See you

salam, man Bahar hastam kheyli delam mikhaad bebinamet chon kheyli kheyli dostet daaram. man & maa baa sedaa-ye to aashegh mishim. man aashegh-e ahangh divaar sangi hastam. vaaghean baa ahanghaa-ye shomaa geryam migireh. daaram yeh kaari mikonam keh shomaa ro bebinam.


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No one else

Your persistence for being unknown makes me wonder all the time which proves your self-esteem. I can feel your delicate heart and I respect it too much. your popularity is known to everyone and I'm just a little drop in the ocean of love flowing into your heart gently and I wish you know NO OTHER SINGER CAN EVER BE AS FAMOUS AS YOU ARE AND THAT COUNTS. I love u, take care and whenever you need to talk to someone who really cares, please feel free to write to me, please, please...


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Dusty Springfield

Music is a passion for me...and so I collect records. One of the artists that I've really liked and collected is Dusty Springfield. I wondered how could that be....Why do I like her music so much when she doesn't fit into the type of music that I generally like and collect? Well I found out! It turns out than when I was 5 years old I used to walk around the house in my mother's high heel shoes singing your songs and imitating you.

Unconsciously I forgot your music for many years... But I recently bought a cd of yours (featuring "Flower without a flowerpot"). When I heard the songs I realized how your highly emotional/climactic singing and elegant style has many of the same elements/moods that made me like Dusty's music. The incredible arrangements on the ballads are also a common element. Do I remember correctly that maybe you also did an Iranian version of "The Windmills of your mind" and "no me quite pa/if you go away" which are songs Dusty also recorded?

Anyway... you are a legend! It's a pity that you cannot promote your music. With the proper promotion/production ... and major label release they would be playing you on world wide radio as much as Cesaria Evora or the Gipsy Kings.

Love you...bye!


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I come from Afghanistan. Our people love you and your songs are their favorite. Your tragic songs take me to another world where there is no more disappointment or sorrow! I love the song: Beh Daadem Baras Ay Ashk, dilam kheli gerefta. I'm 23 and since I was 5 years old, I remember your name and voice. I was very young when your songs were played on Afghan TV, I remember since then that everybody were shouting watch out there is Googoosh. I wish you more


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I'm coming

omidvaaram keh dar har kojaayeh donyaa keh hasti, salaamat, tandorost, va shaademan baashi. man bisto seh saal bishtar nadaaram, va seh saalam bood keh engelaab shod, va hataa shomaa raa ham nadidam, vali aashegh-e tamaameh albumhaayat, sedaayat, va hamchenin gheeyaafeyeh maloos vah mehrabaanat hastam.

chon meedanam keh kheili baa ehsaas va mehrabaani az shomaa khaahesh meekonam agar baraayetaan eshkaal nadaareh beh aadress-e khoonam naameh bedeh va yaa beh aadresseh email man. khaili khoshaal meesham keh bedoonam kojaa hasteed. man asleeyatam maaleh Babolsar, dar shomal-e Iran meebaasham, vali nesfeh omaram az Iran khaarejam.

Agar aamadam kaari meekonam shomaa raa paydaa konam, va faghat meekhaam soorateh naazanin-e shomaa ra booseh baaraan konam. khaili doostat daaram va hamisheh dar ghalb-e koochakeh man jaay daari. daadaash-e man mogheheikeh man dar Iran boodam, shomaa ra daar daryaa kenaar dideh bood. kimiyaa keh fekr meekonam baraadar zaadehyeh asli yaa badali shomaa meebaashad, doosteh sameemeeyeh dookhtarkhaaleyeh man meebaashad, va akshaayeh jadid shomaa raa daarad, vali mote'asefaaneh dookhtarkhaaleyeh man goft keh shomaa az kimiya khaastid keh aks-haa raa beh hich kas neshaan nadahad.

Beh har hal eybee nadaarad. man mogheeiyat-e shomaa raa kaamelan dark meekonam, vali kheili moshtaagheh didaareh shomaa meebaasham va az raahe door soorateh shomaa raa meeboosam va beh khodaayeh yegaaneh va mehrabaan meesepaaram!

Ankeh hargez faraamooshat nemeekonad,

Maria Maghoodi

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Learn Farsi

What can I say? How can I explain how much we love you? My girlfreind is not Iranian but she is crazy about your soungs, she began to learn Farsi just to understand what you sing! I want you to know that we will keep dreaming for the day to see your concerts, and I am sure that day will come...


Kristina Armen

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Dear Googoosh,

een tohfe re baa tamaam-e vojoodam beh to taghdeem meekonam:

...aan shab ke jaanaanam ze eshgho shooro masti,
peim aaneha raa ,az daste digar baadeh nooshaan bar zamin reekht,
mastaaneh aamad dar kenaaram,taa sobhdam rendaaneh baa man dar ham aameekht,
dar khalvate shab jaame saboo raa dar daste man dad,
goftaa ke beshkan jaame man peiman cho beshkast,
jaan par kesh as jaanaane man ahdam cho beshkast,
ashkam chekeed as showgh ghaltan bar do gooneh,
khoonam chekeed as goosheye del aasheghaaneh ,
ba ghatre ee as khoone khod dar del neveshtam,
as jaame eshghat maste mastam, maste eshgham,
een sorkheeye khoon hedye ee dar shaame eshghast,
een tohfe ee as jaanebe soltaane eshghast,


ghareebe ee aashena dar mordab,
che beedaar boodam va che khaab,
bee esghe to,
daryaast saraab,
mahtaab sahaab,
del baste am be naame to,
be esghe aan sedaaye to ,
kalaame aashenaaye to,
beeyaa damee negah kon
be een hame fadaa eeyat ,
ke meenevisand as ghamo
faraaghate jodaa eeyat,
man as deeyaare gom shode
to dar agheeghe meehanee,
setaareye sohele man,
che dar hava ,
che bar zamin,
be har kojaa safar konee,


Kamjou Maghsoudlou

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Deprived us

I have idolized you since I can remember, It seems really funny to my family since I was born in 1979 & you haven't sang a song or appeared on TV since then. I left Iran when I was 13 & since then I have been dreaming of the day that I can come to Iran and see you. I finally did come to Iran last year (1999) but everybody that said they knew you said you had gone to the U.S. I stayed for 3 months hoping you would return so that maybe if I was lucky I could get to see you, but you did't come back and I had to leave. One of my biggest dreams is to see you one day and get to talk to you and ask you why you deprived us (the younger generation) of your voice and talent? I have all your songs on tape and CD and I have most of your videos.

With love and peace,


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didam farsi benavisam fekr mikonam man ra beshanaasi albateh an zamaan 4 ya 5 saaleh bodam keh man raa boosidi va baghal kardi yaad aan roozhaa behkheyr.

Hameesheh salaamat baashi,


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Masoud Kimiyaie

mikhaastam begam Masoud Kimiyaie dar zendi-ye moshtarak che jure?!!.. hhhhh. man yeh aashnaa hastam. man-o badan mishnaasi. pas felan khodafes.


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faghat in mail to baraaye tashakor az in ahangaaye zibaaie ke baraaye maa gozoshti.... baraaye maa ke faghat delkhoshimon be in chizaast.... man 17 salame.... khili doosdaram ke alan betoonam bebinametoon dar iraan... ageh momkene! baazam tashakor mikonam azaatoon..... baa ejaazatoon....

Ali Reza

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Sing once more

I have heard so many different things about you: someone says you are coming to the U.S. soon, others says; we will never see you anywhere outside Iran, or; you have been in the U.S. before but just for visiting your family and friends, or ... I always think will I meet you someday? Are you going to sing for us just one more time? ... Wherever you are, may God keep you safe. You were and are and will be the "Queen of Iranian Music" forever.


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Yes, I'm pretty

Yes as you can tell I'm a big fan just like every Irani. Well just like every other Irani I also want too see you before I die. I'm 20 years old and yes I know that this world isn't perfect but the choice is ours. Yours and mine. The future is made by us. We humans aren't perfect. We make wrong choices and we have to live with them but history has told us that no one can stop us from progress and that's because we have a mind that's stronger than anyone. That's our weapon.

I accept and respect the choice that you have made and I know that you have made the best choice because here outside Iran we Iranians aren't happy. We are the only nation that needs our country to keep living a normal live. Whitout Iran we are nothing, and no one can stop us form loving our beloved country.

But yes we love you as much as we love our country because you are our symbol. I know that some day we will be free and I hope that it won't be late. I love YOU forever and I hope someday I will see YOU. And if you are wondering, yes, I'm pretty, i'm a model, university student and pianist.



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tavallodat mobarak. shaayad khodet ham nadooni, yaa baavaret nasheh, ke che shakhseeyate mohemmi dar taareekhe' mo'aasere iran boodi (va hanooz ham hasti). inshaalaa har jaa ke hasti khosh baashi va yek rooz paadaashe' khedmatet ro begiri. agar har kaari az daste man bar beeyaad baraat mikonam. kaash aadresi daashtam ke tofeyee be yaadegaari baraat befrestam.


Mahmoud Shahbodaghi

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Favorite all time

I'm a 22 year old Armenian male from California. I don't speak a word of Persian, nor do I understand any of the words in your songs. I don't even really have a preference for Iranian music, cause I was not brought up with it. Ironically, you are by far my favorite entertainer of all times, male of female.

I love your voice (especially in your sad songs), your voice is very emotional, personal and yet powerful. I also love your facial expressions, it adds so much to the music. I've never seen any singer sing so emotionally.

I even wanted to visit Iran, to see if I could somehow visit you. I didn't do it, cause I was told I would probably never find you. :)


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Salam Googoosh jaan, man yek dokhtari hastam ke vakhtike panj maah daashtam az iraan aamadam birun. Maadaram kheli sedaaye shomaa raa dust daare, va aahange gharibe aashenaa baraaye man hamishe mikhune. Maadaram kheli delesh mekhaad az shomaa yek naame begire. Maadaram kheli shabaahate shomaa raa daare va baavarkonin sedaash ham shabie shomaa hast. Googoosh khanum ishaalaa ke hamechi khub hast va bezudi yek khabari az shomaa befamim.

Tashakor mikonam az tahe ghabl,


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Nedaaye shaadi

Malekeye shargh,
Sorode eshgh,
Azaane zohr,
Ghazaaye rooh,
Nedaaye shaadi,
Naghmeye gham,
Laalaaie shab,
Sange sabo...

Salam, salami cho booye khoshe aashnaaie. To avalin boodeh, hasti, va khaahi bood.

Doostat daara, va hamisheh dar ghalbh mani,


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In our hearts

I know that I don't have to tell you how wonderful you have always been. Your sweet personality is the most distinct that makes you stand among others. Today, (Feb. 6, 2000), I heard from the Iranian Radio that it is your birthday. I wish you all the very best from the bottom of my heart. Wished you were here among the rest of us so we didn't have to suffer by missing you. Wherever you have chosen to live the rest of your life, you will always remain beautiful and distinct in our hearts.

With love,


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Back in the 1970's, you were one of my favorite singers and I have seen almost all of your movies, such as Maah-e Assal. I wish you all the best. I admire your bravery staying in Iran after the revolution and keeping your identity.

God bless you.

Master Mehrdad Khan Moayedi

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Opposing image

It's hard to express in words, my thoughts and emotions. In my mind, you represent a fierce opposing figure to the media's portrail of what is Iranian. You are delicate, beautiful and full of love; a strong contrast to the images that come to mind from post 1979 Iran. Within my heart, you and your voice keep the hope inside of me alive. A hope for a new begining, a hope for freedom.

Pedram Arang

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Aziztar az jaan

aziztar az jaaanam salaam. man mikhaam kheili saadeh va khodemoni harfamo bezanam va har chi tooye delame begam. Googoosh naazam, ageh bedooni chegadr dooset daaram. aashegeh sedaayeh ghashngh va mehraboonet hastam, aashegeh filmhaaye zibaat hastam, aashegeh maahpishooni, do panjereh, hamsafar, maahe assal, mamal aamrikaaei hastam.

Googoosh mehraboonam man (19 saalameh) va hoodoodeh 11 saaleh ke baa sedaa va filmhaayeh to aashena shodam va bozorgtarin aarezooyeh man didaneh rooye maaheh to az nazdikeh (hataa baraaye yek lahzeh ham ke shodeh).

Googoosh bedoon hamisheh dooset daashtam va khaaham daasht va baraat az khodaavande motaal salaamati, khoshbakhti va toole omr khaastaaram.

doostdaareh hamishegiyeh to,


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I love you .I love you .I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so much. I always love you .

Yours truly,


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I know you and your beautiful songs/ voice since I met my Persian husband now nine years ago. I don´t always understand the words because my Farsi isn´t that good but I can feel and enjoy the emotions and I do know Hindi.

I am 33 years old and was born in Surinam (South America). My ancestors are from India. I live in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). It is my dream to visit your beautiful country some day because of its important history, various nature, culture and so many more interesting things.

How are you nowadays? I hope you´re healthy, safe and happy.

I would like a picture of you with your signature if possable and thank you in advance for your efforts. Lots of love and greetings from another fan.

Leita Shankar

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You were so ahead of everyone else so many different looks so many different moves, always so fantasticly beautiful. I think even Madonna copied from you! You were really entertaining not like these female singers today . I am so ashamed to show Persian TV to my non-Persian friends. Your talent can never be captured in any of these new artists if one can call them that!

Any ways how does it feel to be a an icon a classic forever in every ones memories and it's been beeing passed on to the younger generation I think for anyone 30 and over you hold a very special place. You were the magic princess of that era who taught us how to be cool!

Love you always hope to see you again,


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Quick million

Dear Googoosh,

I am 33 and been living in U.S since I was 12. like many others I was forced to leave my country but not my memories. I rediscovered your music about 3 yeas ago. and my husband of 2 years bought me the complete set of your cds as a surprise gift. In fact when we met one of the things that started us talking was that we both love your music. Now we listen to your songs and your beautiful voice on all of our long distance trips and sing along!I hope you never hear us!!

Like all the other fans I wish that I could see you in an interview if not concert I know you must be almost 50 but I'm sure that you're every bit as beautiful as always. Did you get tired of performing? If you ever want to make a quick million or so just give a concert. Everyone will come.


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Iran's youth

dorood bar behtarin keh sedaayash lahazaate tanhaaii maraa por kardeh ast. dorood bar kasi ke bedoon oo zendegi bar javaanaan iraan az in ham sakht-tar mishod. hichvaght fekr nemikardam ke roozi betaavanam baa to harf bezanam (agar betavaan esm in raa harf zadan gozaasht).

yek omr man sedaaye to raa shenidam va haala yek baar to sedaaye maraa beshno. sedaay javaani ke kheylii haaye digar ham mesl oo fekr mikonand va googoosh1ra doost darand .omidvaram roozi betavani dobareh baraye anhaii ke dostat daarand bekhaani.

Googoosh aziz, be ghol khodat "kheili sakhte in tanhaaii be fardaaii". enshallah sad saal digar ham zendeh va sare haal baashi va khodaa to raa baraaye mardomat hefz konad.

ghorban to,

Ahmadreza, 22 saaleh az mashhad

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Best wishes

azizam... halet ka omedvaram khoba ..azizam tu ba ohanghaya zibat hamaro ba donyaee ka khasty bordy marsee.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH .. hamesha urazoya movafagheat barat daram ... urazomanda urazohayat hastam.


Roya Torabi az Toronto

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Big fan

Googoosh,gogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogosh gogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogosh gogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogosh
goshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogosh gogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogosh gogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogoshgogosh

Sonbol, Shiraz

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salam!!!! man yek dokhtare 16 saaleh hastam va tooy iran!! va aasheghe sedaa va ahanghaai shomaa!!! kheli kheili doost daaram bebinametoon!! man fekr mikonam tamaame mardome iraan baa sedai shomaa yaade khaateraate khod miofyand!!!! be omide didaar!!!!


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kheili ta'job kardam shomaa raa dar internet peydaa kardam. baghiasham nemidaanam chi begam dar surati ke harf ziaad daram. kheili delam mikhaad keh bebinametaan. ayaa dobaare avaaz mikhaanid? inshaalaa keh khosh baashid va salaamat.

beh khodaa misparametaan,


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Not forgotten

I'm very happy that you are well and settled with a family in Iran. Many times I've wondered what became of you, why did you stay in Iran, why did you stop singing. I wished you'd also gone to the US and continued singing. I'm sure you had good reasons to remain in your country and maybe even did the right thing getting married and raising a family (isn't that what most women want?).

You had such an angelic voice with words that mesmerised, your lovely face and elegant dancing... you had style and we all loved you in the Persian Gulf countries. Many would love to see you sing again, maybe tour the world one last time and have concerts for your fans who haven't forgotten you to this day. And if you ever do write an autobiography, I hope it will also be published in English since I can't read Farsi. I wish you & your family health & happiness.

With much love,


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Salaam malakeh-ye afsaane-ie maa iranihaa. Man ham mitonam mesle hameye dige cheghadr azat tarrif konam ..vali midonam ke khodet bishtar az hame midoni ke cheghadr beyne maa mahboobi.Yek khaale daaram ke az doraan javaaniash faghat az ye chizi shaad boode, oon ham to.

Azash miporsam khaale jon, Googoosh ki bod.. mige ke Googoosh yaare tanhaaie man too shabhaa bood va hamdame shaadie man dar khoshihaam bo0d. Googoosh mano ashegh kard. Googoosh mano bidaar kard. Haalaa man gosh midam ahangha ro mifahmam manzoresh chie..chi mige.

Khodam 19 saalame va Arezome ke ye roozi bebinamet va faghat ehsaas konam keh oon chi migoft.Vali midonam keh in ye khaabe.Haalaa baa aahanghat zendegimo sar mikonam taa yek roozi age khodaa bekhaad man ham befahmam khaale joonam chi behem goft.

Aashegh ham hastam yek jigar daaram ke baraash mimiram, nokaresham. Aarezoom ine ke ye roozi khodaa maro be khaastehamoon beresoone va zendegimo por az shaadi kone.haalaa dige sareto dard avordam.

Be omide rooze didaar,

Misagh Moghadasi

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Live with you

I always wish to be in your shoes. You are a person with such a big heart that no one can forget your beautiful songs. I really want to know where were you in the past 20 years. I really love you and live with your pretty pictures and cassettes.

Roya B

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Start again

My name is Nasim and I am 15 years old. I don't know much about you but my mother adores you. She has bought all of your CD:s and she has seen all of your films. The only thing I know about you is that you are an actress and a singer. I also know that you no longer do movies or songs. I think you should start doing that again because if you do that you will satisfy al ot of Iranian people. I have nothing more to say. I wish you all the best.


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Iran's most beloved Googoosh,

You are the diva of all divas. You were, are and forever will be the symbol of Iran's glory days. You are the insperation for millions of Iranians, young and old, male or female. You are the brightest stone in the crown which is Iran Zamin.

You were Madonna before Madonna was ever born. Thousands of them are just a pale immitation of you. Hearing your voice and watching your dance transend all language and cultural barriers makes any Iranian in four corner of the world proud.

You, the descendant of Kourosh the Great and the voice of its holy and, Persia the great. Our hearts and souls are in mourning til your sweet voice kisses our ears and your presence brings the spring of happiness back to every Iranian.

My beloved Googoosh we simply love and admire you forever and ever. Please don't tear our hearts apart with your silence and absence. Tell us again about the "story of two fish", "Gonjeshgayeh Khouneh", "Kouh", "Koeli" and "Mordahb". Please tell us what would it take for you to honor us with your godly talent. Please make us proud again.

Your humble fan,


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Your player

How are you? Long ago, we worked with each other. I miss the music with you very much. In Holland I try to play music, but it's very difficult to get a music job. I allways remember the time before 1979. It was my best time in music, when I was playing with you. Here I studied jazz music and I am still trying to be a jazz musician. I wish you all the best. I miss you very much.

Your guitar player,

Googoo Ghazarian

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You have influenced my life like no other artist or singer. They tell tragic love stories and sing of the life of a tease. I believe you are so popular because you are elequently relateable. I just wanted to let you know no matter how long you stay silent your songs still sing to all of us.


Mahsa Hosseini

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My heart

One heart, one night, one girl is all I want. I am a graduate student of mechanical engineering at Tehran university. My age is 24 and I am fromShiraz. You live in my heart permanently.

My little Googoosh, please send me some material like special photo and other stuff.


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Big fan

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Still favorite

Ever since I can remember, I have loved you. When I was a little girl I always used to put on your music, dance in front of the mirror and pretend I was you. Now I am 30 years old and you are still my favorite singer. I wish you would come to the U.S. and give a concert. Trust I would be there no matter what. I love you and.

God Bless,

Farnaz Vahdani

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Teach others

You're cool'n all but I don't see why you ran off and left your fans. It would be great if you came back and taught other Iranians singers how to really sing.

Sia :)

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As gold

Your music is the nourishment I thrive to live upon. Your talent is as rich as gold. You have affected my mind, spirit, body and soul. You give me hope when I have no faith, you bring me happiness when there is no glory, you provide me with light when my eyes only see darkness. Your music and the thought of Googoosh will endure in our lives forever.

May God always be with you and your family,

Mariam G.

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salaam. omidvaaram ke haaletan khoob baashad. man 32 saal daaram,va delam baraaye shomaa vaaghean tang shode.aakhe shomaa kojaa hastid.hich kas az shomaa khabar nadaarad. any ways i hope ke shomaa haaletan khoob baashad ,va sahiho salaamat baashid.maa ham injaa dar california zendegie roozmare raa daarim ,va vaaghean hich khaabare khaasi inja vojood nadaarad. man az shomaa khaahesh mikonam ke baa man e mail konid,khahesh mikonam ,man montazere shoma hastam ,ghol bedid javabe nameye mara bedahid.lotfan baraye man az irane azizam vaghean delam baraye iran tang shode va montazere roozy hastam ke bargardam be iraan.baraaye man lotfan az filmhaaye iraan benevisid. rasti injaa migooyand shomaa baa aghaye Kimiaie ezdevaj kardid ,in haghighat daarad yaa kheir? lotfan baraaye man az aghaaye Khosro Shakibaie benevisid,ke baazigare morede alaagheye man hastand ishoon. lotfan agar az ishoon khabar daarid baraaye man benevisid, man vaaghean dar iraan be kasi dastresi nadaaram ke baraaye man mamnoon mishavam az shomaa ke agar in zahmat raa bekeshid. dige man baraaye shomaa begam ke injaa vaaghean hich khabari nist hamaan behtar ke shomaa nayaamadid be in aamericaa.aghle dorost maale shomaa bood .khaahesh mikonam baraaye man email vaaghean montazere shomaa hastam va mimaanam. man tanhaaee dar in ghorbat montazer hastam. rasti man dar haale goosh kardane yeki az aahanghaaye shomaa hastam.

ghorbaane shomaa miravam,

Ardalan Abedini

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Let's hope

Words can not express how much I love and admire you. You are truly the best singer of all times and the most honest lover of your country. When every body chose to run away and leave their country in the hands of evil, you chose to stay and show how strong your love is. As an Iranian I am proud of you. There are days that the only thing which keeps me going on and facing the endless problems of life is listening to your voice and living in that world of dreams for a few moments. I sincerely hope you live long and prosper and have peace in your life and let's hope that the autorities in Iran realize what a national treasure you are and appreciate you for it.


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Feel good

I'm an 18 year old girl who has been out of Iran for two years now. You are one of my favorite singers in the whole world. I listen to your songs whenever I'm sad or depressed or happy. You make me feel good about myself. You have the best voice in the world. I love Iran and I hope to come back and visit it for summer. I hope some day we could all enjoy each other's company.


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I love you and your music. I don't have to tell you how beautiful you are along with your music. I will always remember your songs. My favorite will always be "do pangere". It made me shake when I heard it for the first time because it was so beautiful. I wish you all of the best, but I wish you could still make music. Your the queen of Persian music and again I love you and wish you the bes. I really hope you know how much your music means to us.

Take care. Love you always,


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Feel high

SHAAHMAAHIYE IRAN, first of all I must say "YOU'RE THE BEST". I have all of your CDs and I listen to your songs ALL the time. Your songs are AWESOME and they make me feel HIGH. I love all of your movies especially "dar emtedaade shab". I've been your biggest fan since I was 10. I fell in love with your songs and your pretty face from the first moment I saw your video. Kheily delam mikhaad ye rouzy dar Vancouver concert daashete baashi!!!!! Anyhow once again you're the best and no one can ever be as talented and wonderful as you!!!!!!!!!



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