The Virgin of Pomegranates
Hits and misses
December 5, 2001
The Iranian
Packed together in the car all of us squeezed in like rats not even sardines
which would have at least tasted good.
A headache, tired, thirsty, certainly bored, like a rock on the road.
Hits and misses, I wanted to rip out the floor boards, sand them, make
a blue door, to enter Paris, drink with Picasso, 2001 Beaujolais Nouveau.
Smash the car windows, melt the glass, with a glass blower, make a violet
vase filled with white gardenias, ride on a black Venitian gondola.
Slash the tires, dance with Jack the Ripper in Bloomsbury, London.
Easily ride a horse with Eddy, at the Royal shooting parties with Victoria's
cousin the Duke of Cambridge, never ready, never there.
Nude, except for a gold chain, lay on Freud's couch at 19 Berggasse,
Vienna, wearing an African mask scented with vanilla.
Otherwise stay in Florence with Botticilli in a yellow robe, white gloves
and a rose.
Later, hang in the Uffizi in the Piazza Della Signoria with David as
the Virgin of Pomegranates tasting Biscotti and Amaretti embracing in December
in the Piazza
